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Gycemic Index: What Are Low GI Foods?

Ever wondered what is the buzz about glycemic index? What is glycemic index?How does it affect you?Is GI important? What you should know about high and low glycemic index foods? Here are some simple answers. What is Glycemic Index or GI index ? The Glycemic index was designed for diabetic people to help keep their blood sugar levels under check. In simple words, this index measures the speed at which the body converts the food into glucose. The higher the GI of a food item, the worst it is for your body!  For foods with low GI index , your body takes longer to convert them into sugar.   Why is High GI Bad? Contrarily, foods with high glycemic index are quickly turned into sugar. This causes an instant spike in blood sugar levels in your body, making such foods unhealthy, especially for people with sugar management issues. Foods with high GI cause a sharp increase in glucose .  As a result, the pancreas instantly rush the release...

Healthy Cookies: Homemade Almond Whole Wheat Flour Biscuits Recipe

Cookies and more healthy cookies. This batch of healthy cookies was one of my first successful attempts at baking cookies at home. There is no match to home food. In my endeavor to promote health, wellness, and happiness, I have decided to switch to home-made food in all ways. This includes baking homemade cookies.  There is no denying the fact that I have been greatly successful at doing so. This recipe came when I had just entered the world of baking, and just taken a dip into the vast ocean. My success at baking these homemade whole wheat cookies with almond meal was enough to give me confidence to sail further in the challenging waters. I did!  A little about these healthy almond whole wheat flour biscuits recipe whole wheat cookies I tried making cookies with almond meal and whole wheat flour. I do not want to flaunt my creation, but truly these have turned out to be one of the best cookies I have ever had  smile emoticon , with the flavor...

Diabetes Children

Is your child feeling too thirsty and peeing at frequent intervals? Is there a sudden weight loss despite increase in appetite? It's time to do a diabetes check! Diabetes in children has become quite common these days, given the easy access to fast food and lack of diet control. 

Acidic versus Alkaline: Need to Maintain pH Balance

Oxygen deficiency results in an ACIDIC state in the body, which is an open invitation to cancerous growth, as cancer cells are anaerobic and can survive without oxygen. A pH balance is a must to ensure that the body remains free from cancerous growth.  The body must balance the pH level at a slightly higher ALKALINE level. Acid-forming foods, including PROCESSED foods and sugars, cause an imbalance in the body's pH level, making it more acidic than alkaline, which is harmful and can cause serious diseases, such as CANCER, diabetes, osteoporosis, and accelerate the process of degeneration and aging. A body with high acidic levels is a breeding ground for candida overgrowth and yeast, bad bacteria problems It is therefore important that your everyday diet contains alkaline foods that will keep the alkaline level slightly higher than the body's acidic level.  Most health problems start in a body, which is acidic.  While most people with acidity problems have become ...

Dangers of Drinking Cold Water

cold water While we have talked in length about water benefits for health. You must be wondering how water is harmful. Well, remember, we are talking about Iced/ice-cold Water. I must tell you here that I drink at least 10-15 glasses of water a day, and that too, warm/normal water even during summers. I cannot tolerate cold water. I tend to feel more and more thirsty upon drinking iced water, so I started drinking warm/normal water.  Let's see the dangers of cold water: Blood vessels shrink When you drink cold water , your blood vessels tend to shrink. Not only this, it hinders hydration and  restricts digestion as the body starts expending energy to regular its temperature . This can cause significant water loss and dehydration. I guess this is one reason I feel more and more thirsty when I gulp iced water. (Fortunately, I have quit drinking cold water) Immune Function Affected If you drink iced water after a meal, you are putting your body at a risk of exces...

Venous Leakage: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Venous leakage is a condition that occurs when veins in the penis are not able to prevent blood from draining out of the penis during an erection. As a result, blood escapes into the surrounding veins and exterior boundary of penis, causing a weak erection. In a normal male, a penis retains enough blood to maintain an erection, as penile veins cannot drain blood out of the penis, resulting in increased blood flow in the organ. Penis must store blood to become rigid and hard to cause an erection. It stays hard until you ejaculate. If penile veins that are responsible for holding blood leakage in erectile chambers cannot check blood from leaving the penis, you will not be able to maintain an erection. This is called venous leak. Also known as cavernosal failure, venous leakage can be the result of either destruction of the surrounding venous tissue or damage to parasympathetic sexual nerves due to masturbation. It is also seen as one possible cause of erectile dysfunction. Most...

Garlic Benefits for Health Counter Cancer, Heart Problems

garlic uses Garlic health benefits seem to surprise most of us who see it as only a spice. Well, there is more to garlic than being spice alone. The best thing about garlic is that it can be used as cooked and raw both and even as dry powder.  Yes, it does smell bad, but if you look into the garlic benefits, you will be surprised to find that this is a wonder spice that can work wonders for your health, from adding a flavor to your recipes to treating several ills that affect our health, thanks to our modern lives. Say No To Cancer With Garlic Also called “stinking rose,” garlic is one of the favorite natural ingredients found in nature’s pharmacy. Its use as a treatment for various respiratory problems, worms, intestinal disorders, wounds, flatulence, and skin diseases has been known since ages for over 5,000 years. Garlic use first came in the news in World War II, when it was used as an antiseptic for the treatment of wounds and prevent gangrene from spreading. ...

Honey Benefits for Health

Honey benefits heath in more ways than one. The world’s oldest medicine, honey is blessed with excellent healing qualities.  A product of the hardworking bee, honey has been widely in use for beauty, healing, nutrition, and skin care. While refined sugar is dangerous to health in innumerable ways, nature has blessed us with this amazingly sweet yet safer alternative to processed sugar! However, please remember to buy only raw, organic honey to reap maximum benefits. Hippocrates, renowned as the father of medicine, believed that honey made a great natural remedy for several ills, calling it the great golden healer. Roman lesions used honey as a topical treatment to heal their wounds, while in Egypt, honey was surprisingly used as a form of currency. In the words of Hippocrates, “Honey causes heat, cleans sores and ulcers, softens hard ulcers of the lips and heals carbuncles and running sores.” Honey does make a great sugar substitute. So if you are planning to get your sug...