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How To Make Easy Eggless Wheat Cake Rusk at Home

eggless cake rusk Today, what I am going to share with you all is a  wheat cake rusk recipe  close to my heart. You already know about my love for cookies, but what about cakes and rusks? Well, obviously, I do love these baked goodies and double-baked delights, but often refrain from indulging too much, for clear reasons - they are calorie rich. eggless cake rusk recipe But what is the need to indulge in? One eggless cake rusk a day would do you no harm, especially if made at home. Yes, now the question arises how to get that perfectly baked melt-in-mouth, soft yet crunchy tea rusk at home? Well, trust me. I am going to break my silence on this eggless Indian cake rusk recipe that I have experimented with one day. Today, I will share the same with you, for I baked one batch yesterday and it reminded me that I had to do the sharing part with you all! So, here I come with this super soft, yummy eggless cake rusk recipe that is a marriage of healthy grains, without w

Diabetes Friendly Food, Recipes: Exploring Diabetes, Busting Common Diabetic Myths

diabetes friendly recipes Diabetes is a dreded word. I know it can be really dreadful feeling if you are diagnosed with this lifestyle disease, for both my parents-in law are diabetics. It is a pain to see them take insulin injections three times a day - yes, thrice every day before every single meal. So I have seen it all - I must say after having been diagnosed with diabetes, they have been strict with their regimen. Perhaps they do fail to follow their regimen once or twice during family functions and ceremonies. But nevertheless, they are doing well with their diabetes management! What Diabetes? How to manage diabetes symptoms? some people hold the belief that "a recipe that does not use sugar is diabetes friendly." How far is it true? Well, no sugar does not mean diabetes friendly! There are certain foods and fruits that you would want to avoid as a diabetic - with the most common being banana, mango, dates. Apple,orange, guava are diabetes friend

Homemade Oatmeal Recipes: 2-Minute Instant Oats Mix

instant oats mix: healthy ways to eat oatmeal Do you like the idea of jhatpat cooking with oatmeal ? Imagine being able to make a delectable breakfast bowl with a pot full of health. A superfood, to be precise! Yes, you have guessed it right! I am talking about my favorire cereal grain - oats. Who else can talk about oatmeal recipes with so much confidence other than me? Of course, my dear friend Ritu, who is our oats queen, for she has tried multiple ways to cook oatmeal for breakfast , lunch, and snacks. Yes, there are numerous healthy ways to eat oatmeal. This instant oat mix recipe comes from Neeru Srikanth of Neeskitchen, which strengthens the bar in favor of oats. I am bowled over by some of her amazingly healthylicious recipes. She has an incredible recipe collection for health freaks. This oats recipe is inspired by her vegetable oats mix post.  Of course, not everyone likes oats in raw form. But there are various ways as to how to make oatmeal delicious.

Power Packed Dry Fruit Oat Fudge No Sugar: Energy Boosting Oatmeal Recipe

How to cook oatmeal  is a question disturbing most of us ever since the advent of oats. The very word sounds weird sometimes. The first time I heard the word "oats," it sounded something like rots. LOL. But hardly was I aware of the immense benefits of oats. My very first attempt at eating oats was with the ready-to-eat masala oats. I do not even want to think of that experience - something that kept me from trying out this fiber-rich cereal grain for 2 years. Can you believe it? energy bar no sugar Hubby said he won't ever eat oats, no matter how healthy and nutrient rich they may be. But ever since the cooking/baking bug bit me, I have been trying oatmeal recipes for breakfast and meals, savories, snacks, desserts, cookies, cakes, and sweets. benefits of nuts Exactly! This blog gives you over 50 oatmeal recipes to try - yes, there are more than 50 ways to cook oatmeal in this blog. Do check the oat recipes  by homemakers from my group and learn how