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Showing posts with the label chia seeds for hormone balance

Are chia seed good for PCOS? How to balance hormones?

 Are (Is) chia seeds good for hormonal imbalance?  Chia seeds are packed with nutrition, from fiber to omega 3, calcium, iron, inc, and magnesium. these black pearls are a nutrient powerhouse that can help a woman with PCOS and hormonal imbalance. Lab studies find that rats fed on chia seeds show an improvement in PCOS symptoms and had significantly lower ovarian weight and total body weight. The study also finds healthy levels of hormone concentrations in such women. Research credits this to the presence of polyphenolic compounds in these tiny seeds that induce ovulation in PCOS women.  क्या चिया सीड पीसीओएस के लिए अच्छा है?  Chia seeds are said to have antioxidant, antimicrobial, pro-neurological, and anti-cancer properties. They contain polyphenolic compounds that help treat metabolic and reproductive dysfunction. Harvard University states "2 tablespoons of chia seeds make 28 grams. They have 140 calories. Chai seeds have 4 grams of protein and 11 grams of fiber....