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Showing posts with the label cookies

Whole Wheat Coconut Cookies With Oatmeal Recipe No Oven | Healthy Biscuits Indian With Jaggery

If I say I am going to treat you to homemade oatmeal cookies flavored with coconut, what will be your reaction? baking with oatmeal cookies This is one baking recipe with coconut that you are instantly going to fall in love with. Do not believe me? Read further! parle style coconut cookies No I do not claim to have got the perfect Parle style coconut biscuits, but I have certainly come closer to replicating the taste and crunch of these coconut cookies. I have been trying out various cookie recipes, for I am a biscuit lover. I love to enjoy my tea with cookies - though I eat only one or two biscuits. My love for biscuits started during childhood. We would savor glucose Bakeman's biscuits with milk during those days. The story is simple - there was a Bakeman's factory near Patiala, and we would buy loads of biscuit packets whenever we would be crossing the factory while heading to and fro Patiala. Rajpura is my mom's home, and as kids, we would...

Whole Wheat Oatmeal Digestive Cookies Mcvities Like

delish mcvities type digestive cookies A digestive cookie and a hot cup of tea are a match made in haven for biscuit and tea lovers. Dunk an oatmeal digestive in your tea and enjoy both taste and health. Trust me, you are going to love every bite of it! As their name suggests, digestives were originally developed by two UK doctors to aid digestion .Ideally these cookies are called digestives because they use sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, which is reportedly known for its antacid effect. starch cookies Additionally, these sweet meal biscuits use whole wheat flour with bran. The secret to getting crispy, crunchy digestives lies in the cold butter and malt extracts or a semi liquid like honey. These extracts are added to the cookies to extract some of the starch from the flours. Starch requires a good amount of time for digestion. In a typical digestive biscuit, you will find coarse brown wheat flour, wholemeal, vegetable oil...

Homemade Whole Wheat Biscuits: No Butter, No Sugar Almond Butter Cookies Without Baking Powder

What has brought you to this page is the caption "no butter, no sugar cookies." Correct? Of course, you are intrigued by the fact that this simple cookie recipe does not use any raising agent either - perhaps it is devoid of any chemicals, flavoring agents, or preservatives.This makes it a kid-friendly recipe. homemade whole wheat flour cookies You want kids to eat healthy. It is tough for parents to persuade tiny tots to take to healthy eating. With the market flooded with unhealthy stuff, it is understood that you worry about the intake of your kids. More so, when unhealthy diets cause all sorts of health issues. The incidence of diabetes milletus is rising in kids, which raises alarm bells for parents to guide their children to start taking healthy food.  Unfortunately, it is a misperception that healthy food doesn't taste good. This blog is all about health, say healthy lifestyle, healthy eating, and fitness. You won;t find one healthy recipe t...

How To Cook Cracked Wheat: Cookies With Dalia/Broken Wheat

Does the title spring a surprise on you - cracked wheat cookies? Are you wondering whether you are being misled here? Well, if you love broken wheat or know about the immense health benefits of cracked wheat, you will find a number of reasons to include this fiber-rich, nutrient-enriched ingredient in your every day meals. One is in dalia cookie form! In fact, your daily diet plans should include some space for cracked wheat.  The best way to cook cracked wheat is in idli form. I love broken wheat or dalia idlis. What about you? These are a favorite with my hubby! dalia cookies with broken wheat I have been itching to try my hands at dalia cookies. Previously, I had made whole dalia cookies, but wasn't too happy with the result. So this time I have come up with a simple cookie recipe with broken wheat. The cracked wheat cookie recipe includes broken wheat along with other flours. The result is crunchy cracked wheat cookies, with dalia lending the ...

Eggless Wholemeal Flour Cake Recipes

Baking is a passion for some, but for others, it is a hobby. For me, it is neither a passion nor a hobby. But the need for baking with whole grains arose when I realized the benefits of healthy eating. Whole grain bakes are starting to become popular even though maida/white flour/refined flour cakes continue to flood the market. Well, to me, food has to begin with the word "H." My choice of food and ingredients does not enlist unhealthy items. You all know me by now and have tried out my healthy recipes. This wholemeal flour cake recipe collection is just an effort to collate all of my healthy cakes under one thread, so that they are easy to access. eggless basbousa ith dates 3 Ingredient Biscuit Cake Steamed Eggless Almond Butter Wheat Cake Eggless Gur ginger Cake Eggless Steamed Biscuit Cake Suji Cake on Stovetop No Sugar Eggless Wheat Gur Ginger Cake Eggless Wheat Dates Carrot Cake Eggless, Sugarless C...