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Showing posts with the label diabetes

Does Makhana Raise Blood Sugar Levels [Makhana and Diabetes]

Exploring the Science-Backed Benefits of Makhana for Diabetics Makhana, also known as fox nuts or lotus seeds, has long been a popular snack in India. Beyond its delightful crunch and versatile taste, recent scientific research has shed light on potential benefits for individuals managing diabetes. Let's explore makhana diabetes connection and learn if fox nuts or makhana is good for diabetes patients.  Is makhana good for diabetic patients? Can we eat makhana daily? Does makhana increase blood levels?  Is Phool makhana good for kidneys? When to eat makhana for diabetes? What is makhana gi index? Can a diabetic eat makhana? Recipe for diabetes Does makhana increase blood sugar,?  Makhana for Diabetes? how much makhana per day? 1 handful is the safest limit How much makhana can a diabetic eat? 1-2 handfuls per day Makahana Glycemic Index (GI) What is makhana gi index? Makhana has a low glycemic index of 58 , meaning it causes a slower and steadier increase in blood sugar l...

Diabetic-Friendly Cake: Sugarless, Butterless With Bulgar Wheat

Diabetes is a dreaded word these days. The metabolic disorder does not spare anyone who lives a sedentary lifestyle. Some say it is hereditary, but if it runs in your family, you still can avoid becoming a diabetic by practicing a healthy lifestyle - healthy means eat good food and move as much as you can. So a healthy lifestyle can help you ward off diabetes as long as you stay active and eat healthy.After my diabetes friendly cracker recipe, I have come up with this sugarless diabetic cake. diabetes friendly cake recipe Before moving on to the diabetes cake recipe, I would like to point a few things. Do you know a majority of the diabetes-friendly recipes online are loaded with fat, calorie-dense white flour and artificial sweeteners? Some so-called diabetic recipes use brown sugar, jaggery, confectioner's sugar, diabetes sugar, and you name it. I mean it surprises me more as to how can you misguide your readers who are trusting your word and recipes? By claiming all...

Instant Snack With Oats/Amaranth: How to Make Oatmeal Delicious With A Garlicky Flavor; Option for Diabetics

Looking for a quick yet healthy snack for preschoolers? Perhaps you may even be looking for a diabetes-friendly snack idea? This is what you should be trying out instantly. The concept of healthy snacks is perfect for people like you and me, who are facing time constraints and are too busy for extensive cooking. instant mix with oats Our cooking marathons leave us exhausted, most of the time, isn't it? Never mind, today, I bring to you the instant oats mix recipe of my sister in law, though she makes it sans oats. She would often tell me to give this instant oats mix a tempering with garlic, but I have not done so on previous occasions. This time it was different. I went ahead with her tempering advice, and here I am with my immensely flavorful oats mix recipe. This is a perfect diabetes-friendly recipe if you eliminate cornflakes because corn has a good amount of glucose and cornflakes are processed along with sugar. instant oats poha mix with garlicky flavor Thi...

Diabetes Friendly Food, Recipes: Exploring Diabetes, Busting Common Diabetic Myths

diabetes friendly recipes Diabetes is a dreded word. I know it can be really dreadful feeling if you are diagnosed with this lifestyle disease, for both my parents-in law are diabetics. It is a pain to see them take insulin injections three times a day - yes, thrice every day before every single meal. So I have seen it all - I must say after having been diagnosed with diabetes, they have been strict with their regimen. Perhaps they do fail to follow their regimen once or twice during family functions and ceremonies. But nevertheless, they are doing well with their diabetes management! What Diabetes? How to manage diabetes symptoms? some people hold the belief that "a recipe that does not use sugar is diabetes friendly." How far is it true? Well, no sugar does not mean diabetes friendly! There are certain foods and fruits that you would want to avoid as a diabetic - with the most common being banana, mango, dates. Apple,orange, guava are diabetes friend...

What is Diabetes; Common Diabetes Myths

Diabetes Diet: Food for Diabetics

common diabetes myths: diabetes food is a myth Here I come again with another piece on   diabetes . As my research on diabetes and diabetes management continues, I will keep you posted on anything and everything I come up with. Today, I shall discuss importance of a dedicated diabetes diet. Holistically following your   diabetes diet   list promises to be the best way to prevent yourself from the chain of complications often associated with this chronic disease. For diabetics, food choices are limited; however, you still need optimal amounts of nutrients and a balanced diet to stay fit and healthy.  In simple words, you can manage diabetes if you know: what to eat when to eat how much to eat According to NIDDK , Target Blood Glucose Levels for Diabetes on an empty stomach should be 70 to 130. After 1 to 2 hours post meals, glucose level sould be 180. You should go for AIC test every 6 months, which will give you a figure of the bloog ...

Understanding Diabetes: Ketosis vs Ketoacidosis

diabetes symptoms With both my mother and father-in law suffering from diabetes, I can understand how difficult it can be to live with the disease. Unfortunately, every day seems to be a challenge for them! So I have decided to share some facts about diabetes that some of you may not be aware of. The words Ketosis and Ketoacidosis are linked to diabetes; however, only a few of us understand that there is a significant difference between both.  Ketosis vs Ketoacidosis Ketosis and Ketoacidosis are sometimes confused with each other, since they possess the same root word. These are two conditions linked to body metabolism and blood sugar.  What is Ketosis A condition in which your body begins to burn fat for energy because of lack of carbohydrates is known as  Ketosis . Typically in individuals on a low-carb diet, inadequate intake of carbohydrates causes the body to start using the stored glucose in the liver. Once the glucose in liver gets exh...