food for navratri So, you have come looking for navratri recipes to this page? You will find some of the best food for navratri fast here - shared by some of the top homemakers in the country, who are doing it big in their lives. Am proud of each one of the contributors to this post. Navratri is an auspicious time in India. It is considered one of the best time to kick-start a new journey, be it a business, marriage, or anything. It connotes nine nights - when people fast for their favorite deity Goddess Durga because the goddess brings peace, strength, and prosperity. Navratri marks the pinnacle of autumn festivities and ends with the grandest of all Indian festivals - Dussehra. On the nine days of navratra, different incarnations of mother Goddess Durga are worshipped, with each having its unique characteristics. Each of the days proceeding navratra signal the gradual decrease of darkness in an ascending order. According to mythology, the demonic powers dominated the w...
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