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Showing posts with the label oatmeal cookie recipe

Atta Oats Crackers - No Baking Powder Recipe

oats almond crackers It's baking time again. Yes, of course, it's cookie time. I was feeling bored of my regular cookie recipes, so wanted to give it a break. I thought to go for Patanjali'd atta cookies just to break my cookie baking spree. But then I changed my mind, thinking outside food is not healthy. So I nipped my idea in the bud and decided to bake another batch of healthy cookies. I can say this is one of the healthiest ever baked by me because it uses small amount of ghee (clarified butter) and not a pinch of baking powder or any leveaning agents. I am so happy with the result that I wanted to share with you all. The last time I didn't add baking powder to my cookies was when I was a newbie in the baking arena. That almond meal cookie batch was the tastiest ever but was hard on the teeth, since I used neither ghee, nor baking powder. S the cookies turned out hard, but they tasted awesome. Thanks to my teeth that bore the brunt then.. But this tim...

The Best Oatmeal Cookies Recipe Unlocked: Diabetes Friendly Crackers

wheat crackers What are crispy, crunchy bakes known as? Yea, you have guessed it right! Crackers - cut. cut cut!!! Do you love than crackling sound? If so, this post is for you. Do you love homemade crackers? If so, this recipe is for you! Are you looking for a Diwali gift or even a birthday present for a health freak? Then this pack of healthy goodies is for you! So many options in one post! Wow! Whole wheat flour cookies are a healthier take on refined flour cookies available in the market. Agree? Yes,you ought to! What about crackers- say whole wheat crackers or even oatmeal crackers? Well, you bet it! Crackers are even healthier than cookies, for they use less of fat and more of water. diabetes friendly recipe cracker Cookies healthy cookies everywhere, and so many crackers to eat! Can cookies be healthy? Somebody questioned. Why not, my mind pondered? When you eat outside junk, you never question whether this or that is healthy. Then wha...