A healthy oatmeal cookies with chocolate flavor is my tea-time buddy. Here's one simple digestives recipe with jaggery in airfryer for Indian biscuit lovers. If you are passionate for cookies like me, then explore this website and Ravneet Bhalla channel for more healthy biscuit recipes with jaggery that are a treat for the eyes and palate. Crunchy, crispy, light in weight digestives are a tea time treat. of course, you can dunk them in your cup of warm milk too. If you love oats digestives but haven't got a hang of making your own batch of healthy cookies at home, then this easy chocolate biscuits recipe is for you. Let's see how you can bake healthy whole wheat oats chocolate digestives with jaggery that are crispy, light in weight and your tea-time partner. I have been baking a lot of cookies without baking powder and soda. But I have been craving for digestive biscuits for some time, so decided to make a batch with oats and whole wheat along with a hint of chocolate. F...
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