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Showing posts with the label simple cookie recipe

Eggless Gluten-Free Healthy Orange Cookies Without Baking Powder, Soda:Refined Sugarfree, Chemical-Free Baking With Organic Ingredients

Here I come with another recipe to contribute to my baking without baking powder/baking soda series - eggless gluten-free orange cookies . Well, when it comes to cookies, I can't think anything but healthy cookies. When it comes to healthy cookies, I want to experiment with simple ingredients to give you a simple cookie recipe, which is easy to make/bake in a cooker, on a stovetop, and/or in an arifryer, oven, or convection. All of my cookie recipes without baking powder or soda can be tried with all appliances and equipment. You do not need fancy stuff here to bake deliciousness in your kitchen, do you? Na, you do not! Seriously. crispy  gluten-free orange cookies without baking powder, soda Why need an electric mixer when you can prepare the dough with hands? After all, not everyone has the fortune to buy one. Worry not! These simple cookie recipes come to you with simple ingredients and require easily available equipment. Even a spoon/spatula can do the work of a whi...

Gluten-free Carrot Almond Cookie Without Baking Powder, Soda: Refined Sugar Free Baking Without Chemicals

Do you have the cookie confidence? Come with me on this journey, and I will show you how to get that cookie confidence! Will you? Welcome back to another gluten-free recipe of cookies without baking powder soda . This almond cookie recipe is special because it uses the goodness of carotene-rich carrots, which is converted by the body to Vitamin A - essential for your eye health. Again, the refined sugar-free part makes it even healthier. The gluten-free cookie recipe uses olive oil, with the minimal use of butter or ghee. On top of it, this is another from my series on baking without baking powder, soda, or all-purpose flour . What more could you ask for? Did  I say there is no refined flour here? This simple cookie recipe gives you an overload of fiber from nutty almonds, minerals from jaggery, vitamin E from extra virgin olive oil, and protein and carbs from brown rice flour. gluten free almond finger cookies with carrot: baking without baking powder All in all, t...

Eggless Sugarfree Cookies With Sorghum Jowar, Oats: Oatmeal Cookies Without Baking Powder, Soda

Do you have the cookie confidence? Baking crispy cookies without baking powder, soda, all-purpose flour?  Convincing your loved ones to eat healthy is a tough task. Not everyone comes out as a winner! eggless cookies sugarfree jowar cookies without baking powder, soda We need to encourage our kids to love to eat real food - that is, nutritious, healthy, and honest food less fast food less junk food And they need to see us eating healthy by example! Welcome back to another healthylicious refined sugar free cookie recipe. Yes, it is cookie time again - the sorghum cookie recipe comes to you without any raising agents. The key to making raising agent-free cookies that are light, fluffy, and healthy lies here!! The secret gives you crunchy bites as well. So what are you waiting for?  Let's jump right in to the refined flour and sugar-free cookie recipe. jowar cookies sugarfree without baking powder, soda, all-purp...

Eggless Gluten-Free Cookies: Refined Sugar Free Kid-Friendly Goodies

So you are looking for gluten-free cookies without refined sugar. Perhaps there are so many people with gluten sensitivity these days that gluten-free recipes are in high demand. Unfortunately, if you are fighting gluten intolerance, you have no other way out than to look for gluten-free ingredients. So you should watch out for what goes in! People with celiac disease are often intolerant to gluten. If you have a loved one with gluten intolerance, here's a simple cookie recipe for you, which is gluten-free, kid-friendly , and oh so yummy! gluten-free cookies: refined sugar free Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance People with celiac disease are not able to tolerate gluten. Even a slice of a gluten cake or cookie can trigger symptoms of celiac disease – a condition in which there is an immune response to gluten ingestion that causes damage to the intestinal lining. As a result, nutrients in the food are not easily absorbed, causing a host of health issues, includin...

Whole Wheat Marie Biscuit: Sugarless Cookie Recipe

If you are not a cookie lover, you still like Marie biscuits right? Why? Well, the reason could be their light, flaky texture, subtle sweetness, milky goodness, and health tag attached to Marie biscuits. But market stuff is still junk - loaded with white flour, white sugar, flavoring agents, and preservatives. What more would you expect from commercial baked goodies? Homemade is homemade after all. If you could recreate the magic at home, it has no equivalent, right?  Yes, homemade atta Marie biscuits are born! atta Marie biscuit homemade So let's get started with the Marie biscuit mania and see if we can come closer. Seems like my second atta Marie biscuit attempt has brought me closer (anyway, it is much healthier than market junk), but I am not someone who will accept defeat so easily. I want to recreate the exact same taste and I will continue to experiment further until the result is completely in my favor. homemade whole wheat marie biscuits The proc...

Healthy Cookies Eggless for Kids | Badam Oats Cookies No Baking Soda Oven Maida

healthy cookies eggless oats no oven for kids Cookies! Healthy cookies for kids and elders on my mind always! Cookies without baking powder/soda,/maida. Oats cookies with a nutrient punch from almonds and whole grains. Recently, there is a Sunfeast advertisement on Moms Magic cookies. This has attracted my attention. So what happened next is history. As you already know me, the cookie big has bitten me badly, so I jumped into experimenting with badam cookies. I have never tasted these cookies from Sunfeast, as I do not buy outside biscuits these days. So the oats cookie recipe is the result of my own healthy baking experiment. Did the experiment disappoint? Of course, not! badam oats cookies You have got to be a cookie lover to try out a new cookie every other day. My airfryer has made life easier for me, and I find it the best investment for my baking journey. Ever since my airfryer homecoming, I have always chosen to go for airfryer cookies, and not touch...

Gluten-Free Cookies With Moong Dal: Yellow Lentil Cookies in Airfryer Without Baking Powder

There's a lot of buzz around gluten these days. Rightly so, the dragon of gluten sensitivity seems to be spreading its tentacles around the globe so much so that a vast majority of people are sensitive to gluten now. Unfortunately, a number of small children have developed intolerance toward gluten. So you, too, seem interested in gluten recipes, or for that matter, gluten-free cookies for kids and elders alike. But before moving to the gluten-free cookie recipe in airfryer, let's do a small discussion on gluten and gluten intolerance or celiac disease. gluten free cookies with yellow lentils moong What is Gluten moong gluten-free cookies in airfryer with rice flakes moong dal We have already discussed gluten in another post on gluten  intolerance.  Gluten is a protein found in certain cereal grains, including wheat barley rye oats (if the oat crop is grown adjacent to wheat fields - unfortunately, product manufacturers never reveal this) When yo...