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Chemical-Free Almond Oats Cookies Without Baking Powder, Soda: How To Make Oatmeal Delicious in A Kid-Friendly Recipe

Almond oats cookies without baking powder, soda ready in a jiffy? Anyone? Yes, these are instant cookies that are done within minutes, from preparation to baking and within half an hour, you could be enjoying these with a cup of tea. Do not believe my words? Well, this is a simple cookie recipe for all health freaks out there! These oats cookies without baing powder, soda are for one and all (of course, barring a few), with the goodness of : almond oats cookies sugarfree fiber-rich oats (did you know a fiber-rich diet can prevent the risk of cancer and metabolic disorders) vitamins and healthy fat-rich almonds (did you know almonds are rich in healthy fats that raise your HDL cholesterol levels - which are good for your body compared to LDL- that are bad fats) homemade ghee (well, frankly, I do not use too much of ghee in my healthy recipes- however, this is instant 5-min ghee ) mineral-rich jaggery (no refined sugar) magnesium-rich watermelon seeds (also rich in p

Eggless Gluten-Free Cookies: Refined Sugar Free Kid-Friendly Goodies

So you are looking for gluten-free cookies without refined sugar. Perhaps there are so many people with gluten sensitivity these days that gluten-free recipes are in high demand. Unfortunately, if you are fighting gluten intolerance, you have no other way out than to look for gluten-free ingredients. So you should watch out for what goes in! People with celiac disease are often intolerant to gluten. If you have a loved one with gluten intolerance, here's a simple cookie recipe for you, which is gluten-free, kid-friendly , and oh so yummy! gluten-free cookies: refined sugar free Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance People with celiac disease are not able to tolerate gluten. Even a slice of a gluten cake or cookie can trigger symptoms of celiac disease – a condition in which there is an immune response to gluten ingestion that causes damage to the intestinal lining. As a result, nutrients in the food are not easily absorbed, causing a host of health issues, includin

Instant Energy Bars | Gluten-Free Bars |Sugarless Energy Bars | Protein Bars | Vegan Recipe

Looking for a gluten-free energy bar recipe? Well, we have got you covered here with this protein energy bar recipe, which is easy, healthy, vegan, and refined sugarfree. Check this immensely quick and flavorful energy bars recipe and take a trip down the memory lane, because the amaranth bars will remind you of milk toffees you used to indulge in during childhood. So this is surely a kid-friendly recipe without white sugar. Sweetened with jaggery, the sprouted quinoa, amaranth bars are a sheer delight to indulge in. Are you ready to indulge in these vegan energy bars? instant vegan energy bars (gluten free recipe) One vegan energy bar recipe that you would want to make again and again for your tiny tots as well as the kid in you. The instant energy bars have been validated by a few guests too, who were here right in time to relish the gluten free quinoa bars. My guests were amazed that the instant amaranth bars sugarless tasted yummy and wondered whether they were samp

Oats Digestives Recipe Flavored With Pistachio| Easy Digestives Recipe [RAVNEET BHALLA COOKIES]

Yes, it's digestives again! But this time there is a pista twist to the digestives. If you are bored of the typical digestives, then why not experiment with the atypical ones? I hope you remember my badam digestives Nutri choice like that were loved by one and all. Now it's time to add pistachios to bake this yummy goodness. mini pista digestives Well, the idea to include pistachio in digestives has been flocking in my head for quite some time. I have been willing to add pista flavor to some of my recent recipes - for example, my creamless, sugarless, milk-free pistachio kulfi , which got me some very good reviews. Pista digestives are unique and different from regular digestives in taste. Texturewise they look the same- though their greenish tint sets them apart. I love the pista color and flavor. What about you? Not to mention, the umpteen number of pistachio benefits. Do you remember my 2-ingredient kid-friendly pista ladoos ? Do you also remember my oats-pi

Whole Wheat Marie Biscuit: Sugarless Cookie Recipe

If you are not a cookie lover, you still like Marie biscuits right? Why? Well, the reason could be their light, flaky texture, subtle sweetness, milky goodness, and health tag attached to Marie biscuits. But market stuff is still junk - loaded with white flour, white sugar, flavoring agents, and preservatives. What more would you expect from commercial baked goodies? Homemade is homemade after all. If you could recreate the magic at home, it has no equivalent, right?  Yes, homemade atta Marie biscuits are born! atta Marie biscuit homemade So let's get started with the Marie biscuit mania and see if we can come closer. Seems like my second atta Marie biscuit attempt has brought me closer (anyway, it is much healthier than market junk), but I am not someone who will accept defeat so easily. I want to recreate the exact same taste and I will continue to experiment further until the result is completely in my favor. homemade whole wheat marie biscuits The process o

Punjabi Atta Biscuits With Jaggery: Organic Whole Wheat Cookies Without Baking Powder, Soda

Get the cookie confidence with me!! Travel the journey of organic, chemical-free baking without baking powder, soda with me. If you think of biscuits, you are almost certain to travel back in time to your childhood. Like me, you, too, have some fond "atta biscuit" memories, right? My atta biscuit nostalgia reminds me of my childhood when I would visit my mama (maternal uncle) and he would order a batch of whole wheat cookies from a local baker. The biscuits were then packed in a newspaper and I would indulge in them the most. In fact, we all fell in love with these typical atta biscuits and would bring tins of the same back home. What was so special about these biscuits with whole wheat flour was a hint of black cardamom powder that lent these a distinct flavor. I have grown up now - almost into my 30s, but my love for these nostalgic cookies remains the same. no raising agent recipe of atta biscuits with jaggery After I started baking cookies at home, these att

Indian Tea Rusk Recipe/Eggless Whole Wheat Cake Rusk: Sugarless Biscotti With Jaggery

In India, tea rusks are a favorite tea-time accompaniment, next only to cookies. My family is no exception either. We have been fondly in love with these double-baked biscottis - eggless of course. The best thing about biscottis is that they retain their crunch even after a dunking round in milk or tea. Cake rusks or even plain saunf rusks have been a childhood favorite. These surely make me feel nostalgic, taking me in time to my childhood when I used to visit a nearby rusk bakery and watch trays of plain rusks lined up waiting for their turn to get into the oven. Aww...I still remember that clearly. My love for Indian tea rusks has been eternal. eggless atta rusk recipe with whole wheat biscotti When I shifted to Delhi, I would often crave for saunf rusks, because the taste and flavor of biscottis here never appealed to me. So I made sure any return visit to my hometown was incomplete without a bag full of cookies and rusks. Yes, such has been my love for these baked good

3-Ingredient Cookies for Kids Without Baking Powder: Paro Atta Cookies for Toddlers/Healthy Whole Wheat Cookies

Are you looking for children's favoirte cookie recipes without baking powder ? Or you are interested to bake easy 3-ingredient cookies for kids? Well, there's a lot that goes into baking healthy stuff, right? When you want to bake for kids, you have got to watch out the ingredients closely. What kind of fat is good for kids? What type of flour should be used? Do we need more fiber? Will this particular ingredient work in a kid-friendly cookie recipe? Of course, you don't want to include anything that would go against the health of your tiny tot and turn the cookie unhealthy. Well, if you, too, are looking for a healthy cookie recipe for kids, your wishes have been granted here. My parents were returning to their home so I wanted to make healthy biscuits for everyone, especially my little 2-year-old niece Paro. So what next? Thus sprung upon the idea of these Paro cookies without baking powder or teething biscuits or 3-ingredient cookies for kids without baking

Sugarless Vegan Banana Atta Cake: Baking With Whole Grains

I experiment to share! I experiment because I care! I experiment to enrich lives! I experiment to bring out positive vibes! I experiment to change the "bland" notion associated with health! I experiment so you can turn healthy baking hobby into wealth! Mom and dad were here and they are not too fond of cakes. But I had 4 bananas staring at me- as they were 2 days old and I do not like the taste of "stale" bananas. Hey, I do not like baked bananas too - but with God's grace, my two banana cakes with whole wheat do not have an overpowering banana flavor. This atta cake is special because it includes a variety of ingredients - all healthy and delicious! vegan atta cake with jaggery banana coconut Let's come back to the eggless banana cake recipe with whole wheat. Before that, I want to make it aptly clear that I am no cake expert, not even a baking professional. I have not learned nor tried to learn the baking basics still. My bakes thus fa

Eggless Butterless Whole Wheat Sponge With Jaggery

A whole wheat sponge, that too, with minimum ingredients? No, I am not kidding. This baked beauty before you is the result of a successful experiment with whole grains. I am glad about the results. Now I can make guilt-free cakes and rusks for my loved ones. I am so happy to share the result and recipe with you all. whole wheat sponge for dieters I wanted to make it a vegan whole wheat sponge. Unfortunately, I did not have coconut milk or almond milk handy at that time, so I preferred to go with dairy milk. But I am sure the result should be the same (rather, more flavorful) with dairy-free milk. I could add plain water too, but reserved the thought for another baking session. eggless butterless atta cake for dieters sweetened with jaggery If you want to learn how to make almond milk or coconut milk at home, it is quite simple. I never buy these from the market; rather, prefer to make everything at home. atta cake simple diet cake recipe option for vegan Here