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Refined Sugar-Free Quinoa Digestives: Fiber Rich, Nutrient Dense, Sugarless Quinoa Recipe

Have you heard of quinoa digestives? I did an Internet search to find it out, but couldn't trace any quinoa digestives recipe. Perhaps we have yet not moved to supergrains when it comes to digestives. When it comes to digestives, most of us can't think beyond whole wheat flour and oats. Perhaps dgestives require fiber-rich oats because it gives the biscuit the perfect digestives structure. I love oats so much so that I have compiled a collection of over 200 oats recipes. Now coming to quinoa digestives recipe, I have tried out too many digestives, including amaranth digestives, pistachio digestives, Mcvities digestives , and Nutri choice-like digestives . This time I wanted to skip whole wheat and include quinoa. Yes, if you remember, I have already shared a few quinoa recipes here, including quinoa nankhatais without baking soda/baking powder. sugarfree quinoa digestives What I did next was exactly this! My goal with each recipe is to get the better out of m...

How To Make Soy Milk at Home: All Vegan Milk, Dairy-Free Alternatives

I do not buy soybeans, and the credit for this recipe goes to Anita Chahal aunty ji. Soybean is a power-packed legume for those with low estrogen issues.  However, you should avoid soy if you have hormonal problems, including thyroid, cancer, and allergy. If you are looking for vegan milk or plant-based milk recipes, this page has it all. vegan milk alternatives But that does not mean soy is not healthy. It is a great dairy-free alternative for vegan followers. Homemade soy milk is healthy and preservative-free and of course, delicious, which makes it a kid-friendly recipe. vegan soy milk recipe Soy milk is touted to be one of the healthiest, low-calorie alternatives of dairy milk. It is an ideal milk alternative for: vegans lactose intolerant kids and elders histamine sensitive adults and kids those with dairy allergies or allergy to cow's milk those suffering from liver problems those looking for weight management and weight loss those f...

Diet Ladoos: Refined Sugarfee, Power-Packed On-the-Go Snacks for Kids

Diet ladoos anyone? Does tthe caption spring a surprise upon you - ladoos, and that too, for dieters? diet ladoo sugarfree Well, I have named these diet ladoos, because these are refined sugar-free, which is only calories - empty calories to be precise subtly sweet from jaggery, which is mineral rich and unrefined (I use Organic jaggery) slightly tangy from mineral-rich black salt  crunchy from toasted seeds and nuts, which are loaded with iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus  kid-friendly since the ingredients aren't ground fine, but kept grainy for those nibbly bites that would instantly appeal to kids butterless, oil-free, and use no ghee - no saturated fat (the only fat here is the natural fat from seeds and nuts that remains locked in these yummy bites to give you plenty of benefits - toasting needs and seeds unlocks healthy oils) not diabetes friendly - kindly do not use this recipe for diabetics  This diet ladoo recipe is perfect a...

Sugarless No Bake Gluten-Free Brownies With 3 Ingredients

Looking for a no-bake brownie recipe? This is a simple brownie recipe that uses 3 ingredients and is sugarfree. The gluten-free almond brownie is fudgy, it's gooey, it's chocolatey, and yes, it's for you all to indulge in the rich goodness of healthy ingredients for those sweet cravings. Try out this simple no-bake refined sugarfree brownie with homemade instant almond meal. Any takers for this gluten-free brownie recipe? no bake brownies with almond meal 3-ingredient no bake brownies give you a gluten-free recipe, which is also refined sugar free.  It's fudgy, it's gooey, it's chocolatey, and yes, it's for you all to indulge in the rich goodness of healthy ingredients for those sweet cravings. Any takers? Why I choose almonds over cashews almond benefits benefits of almonds for kids and elders alike Here's how you can make instant almond meal at home - no soaking method! Ingredients 1/2 cup almond flour/mea...

Chemical-Free Almond Oats Cookies Without Baking Powder, Soda: How To Make Oatmeal Delicious in A Kid-Friendly Recipe

Almond oats cookies without baking powder, soda ready in a jiffy? Anyone? Yes, these are instant cookies that are done within minutes, from preparation to baking and within half an hour, you could be enjoying these with a cup of tea. Do not believe my words? Well, this is a simple cookie recipe for all health freaks out there! These oats cookies without baing powder, soda are for one and all (of course, barring a few), with the goodness of : almond oats cookies sugarfree fiber-rich oats (did you know a fiber-rich diet can prevent the risk of cancer and metabolic disorders) vitamins and healthy fat-rich almonds (did you know almonds are rich in healthy fats that raise your HDL cholesterol levels - which are good for your body compared to LDL- that are bad fats) homemade ghee (well, frankly, I do not use too much of ghee in my healthy recipes- however, this is instant 5-min ghee ) mineral-rich jaggery (no refined sugar) magnesium-rich watermelon seeds (also rich ...

Eggless Gluten-Free Cookies: Refined Sugar Free Kid-Friendly Goodies

So you are looking for gluten-free cookies without refined sugar. Perhaps there are so many people with gluten sensitivity these days that gluten-free recipes are in high demand. Unfortunately, if you are fighting gluten intolerance, you have no other way out than to look for gluten-free ingredients. So you should watch out for what goes in! People with celiac disease are often intolerant to gluten. If you have a loved one with gluten intolerance, here's a simple cookie recipe for you, which is gluten-free, kid-friendly , and oh so yummy! gluten-free cookies: refined sugar free Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance People with celiac disease are not able to tolerate gluten. Even a slice of a gluten cake or cookie can trigger symptoms of celiac disease – a condition in which there is an immune response to gluten ingestion that causes damage to the intestinal lining. As a result, nutrients in the food are not easily absorbed, causing a host of health issues, includin...

Instant Energy Bars | Gluten-Free Bars |Sugarless Energy Bars | Protein Bars | Vegan Recipe

Looking for a gluten-free energy bar recipe? Well, we have got you covered here with this protein energy bar recipe, which is easy, healthy, vegan, and refined sugarfree. Check this immensely quick and flavorful energy bars recipe and take a trip down the memory lane, because the amaranth bars will remind you of milk toffees you used to indulge in during childhood. So this is surely a kid-friendly recipe without white sugar. Sweetened with jaggery, the sprouted quinoa, amaranth bars are a sheer delight to indulge in. Are you ready to indulge in these vegan energy bars? instant vegan energy bars (gluten free recipe) One vegan energy bar recipe that you would want to make again and again for your tiny tots as well as the kid in you. The instant energy bars have been validated by a few guests too, who were here right in time to relish the gluten free quinoa bars. My guests were amazed that the instant amaranth bars sugarless tasted yummy and wondered whether they were samp...

Oats Digestives Recipe Flavored With Pistachio| Easy Digestives Recipe [RAVNEET BHALLA COOKIES]

Yes, it's digestives again! But this time there is a pista twist to the digestives. If you are bored of the typical digestives, then why not experiment with the atypical ones? I hope you remember my badam digestives Nutri choice like that were loved by one and all. Now it's time to add pistachios to bake this yummy goodness. mini pista digestives Well, the idea to include pistachio in digestives has been flocking in my head for quite some time. I have been willing to add pista flavor to some of my recent recipes - for example, my creamless, sugarless, milk-free pistachio kulfi , which got me some very good reviews. Pista digestives are unique and different from regular digestives in taste. Texturewise they look the same- though their greenish tint sets them apart. I love the pista color and flavor. What about you? Not to mention, the umpteen number of pistachio benefits. Do you remember my 2-ingredient kid-friendly pista ladoos ? Do you also remember my oats-p...

Whole Wheat Marie Biscuit: Sugarless Cookie Recipe

If you are not a cookie lover, you still like Marie biscuits right? Why? Well, the reason could be their light, flaky texture, subtle sweetness, milky goodness, and health tag attached to Marie biscuits. But market stuff is still junk - loaded with white flour, white sugar, flavoring agents, and preservatives. What more would you expect from commercial baked goodies? Homemade is homemade after all. If you could recreate the magic at home, it has no equivalent, right?  Yes, homemade atta Marie biscuits are born! atta Marie biscuit homemade So let's get started with the Marie biscuit mania and see if we can come closer. Seems like my second atta Marie biscuit attempt has brought me closer (anyway, it is much healthier than market junk), but I am not someone who will accept defeat so easily. I want to recreate the exact same taste and I will continue to experiment further until the result is completely in my favor. homemade whole wheat marie biscuits The proc...