I have been experimenting with millets, and you are here wondering how to bake with millets. Or you might be wondering how to use millets in Indian diet? What millets are good for heart? Which millet aids in digestion? Are there millets side effects? Does millet cause constipation? Which millet is good for weight loss? How much millet to eat per day? Or you are looking for healthy millet recipes for weight loss? Can we eat millets daily? Well, I will be elaborate on the use of ancient grains. If you are yet to try out millets, then pick Little millet as your first choice. Go for ragi or finger millet if you are looking for a weight loss diet ingredient that actually works and plays a role in helping you lose weight. To add flavor to your meals, you may try out foxtail millet or kangu. This has become a hot favorite with me. Little millet - Sama/Samak (upwas ke chawal) Foxtail millet - Kangu, Kangni Finger millet - Ragi/Nachhini/Mandya Kodo millet - Varagu in hindi/ Arikeli Barnyar...
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