female foeticide |
An increasing number of unborn girl children are being killed in the womb.
Are we living in a world where daughters are no longer wanted? If you kill your unborn daughters in the womb, you are a culprit in the most serious crime. Allow your daughters to come to this world and make it a beautiful place to live in by teaching your boys/sons to respect the fairer sex. Both genders are creations of the same lord! So why bereave the birth of a daughter? Give your daughters the freedom to express and explore her. She will change the world! Remember, she is your best friend even in adversity!
The blame for these killings lies heavily on parents, who prefer to snatch life away from their unborn daughters, not allowing them to enter this world.
But are the culprits being punished? No, these criminals are moving scot-free, without remorsing over the fact that they have taken a life.
Yes, some parents are cruel enough to kill their daughters merely for the want of a boy. I am saddened at the rising female infanticide statistics that portray a sad picture of the number of girls killed in the womb of their mothers. But how can parents be so cruel? How can a mother be so cruel?
stop female foeticide |
If my writeup does stir up your emotions, it is my earnest request to take a resolve to do all you can to save the girl child.
Female foeticide is a curse - seeing this crime happen before you amounts to participating in it.
Let us not be an accomplice in this heinous crime against the girl child and save the future of this country by shielding our daughters! Are you ready? What suggestions do you have to safeguard the daughters of this land?
All would-be parents must take a resolve not to participate in this crime and also not let such criminal acts take place in front of their eyes. Are you prepared to take cudgels in your hands to save your daughters?
Source: http://bhallaneet.hubpages.com/hub/female-foeticide-infanticide
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