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Water Saving Tips: Water Conservation A Necessity

water saving tips
The most active ladies in my food group Healthy Recipes by Homemakers have been fighting against odds to save water. Yes, they have been striving to save even that last drop! No, they have never faced water shortage, but have been accustomed to using this natural resource rationally since childhood. They claim to have inherited these smart water saving tips from their super moms and even nanis (grandmoms). Hats off to my favorite girls.

Water scarcity or shortage is the lack of adequate water resources to meet the needs of a region. Water shortage affects almost 2.8 billion people all  over the globe, with over 1.2 billion people having no access to potable water.

All the water saving tips shared by them are sure to be a powerful driver for the new tomorrow!

We asked these courageous homemakers how they save water. Here are snippets from the discussion on water scarcity and saving.

I can't stand the sight of unnecessarily running taps. It hurts me more to see people wasting water like anything.Water is a scarce resource, but it is fundamental to human life. Let's inspire each other to save this incredibly essential natural resource. Please share your water saving tips!

Balvinder Kaur I always use full load in washing machine..
Water plants with a can or bucket rather than ahose..
Added mulch on top layer of soil in pots to prevent water evaporation nd thus soil remain moist for loger period of time..
We all use glass for brushing ....
Since many years we use to keep abrick in our cistern to cut on the water waste
I collect the leftover water after washing veggies nd pulses nd use them in plants..
Same with the R.O.water
Use shower very rare

Deepti Aggarwal Most of d steps we follow r same as Balvinder's........Only,instead of putting brick in cistern,we use bucket n mug when pee........
also empty d school water bottles in kitchen garden.......
At my mom's place,they collect rain water to use in washroom as well as watering plants,cleaning floors.....
They use semi automatic washing machine which reduces water consumption...
They also don't put the glasses for washing every tym they drink water.....they keep on using d same till it is used for milk or some other drink...

Ravneet Kaur Even at my mom's place, they use the aqua guard waste water for watering their lawn. Personally we use battery-operated Unilever's PureIt as a water purifier. Since we are two people only, we decided to go for it, as we do not have a lawn or a big kitchen garden where we could use the impure water. Not a single drop of water is wasted this way :) Secondly, I rarely use our fully automatic washing machine - hubby washes his clothes and I do my own clothes. After washing clothes, I use the surf water to sweep clean bathroom tiles and clean the bath. I had hired the services of a maid after a long time two months back, but since she continued to keep the water tap on while doing utensils, despite repeated requests not to waste water, I had to fire her . I find it better to do my own chores - at least I am consious enough about using water rationally. I wish to harvest rain water as well, but since we are living in a builder's flat, it;s not possible here - but it's been in my mind and I shall go for it once we move elsewhere.

Anna Singh: Appreciate everybody's efforts fr this marathon endeavour of saving mother earth's precious blessing to us ungrateful humans. It sends shivers down my spine to envisage a scary waterless future.We hv in our family always been conscious of not wasting water(besides electricity),so much so that it is no longer a special effort but engrained into our systems now. I too hv an RO nd we in fact hv got an longer pipe installed fr its water wastage(the one wh is used fr petrol in hubby got that),wh hangs below my kitchen sink fr us to use every drop. I use that water fr all my shores like mopping nd watering plants(in fact its a marathon fr me to keep taking buckets upto my terrace fr watering my plants). My maid who has been wz me fr a long time is also attuned to this system of using that water fr washing utensils nd mopping etc.. All my water after washing dals nd veggies is obviously used fr watering plants. Even in bathroom ...NO TAPS son too knows wt must be done as he has grown up seeing us do this. For children to follow these precious instructions reg water saving,elec saving,not throwing even a small toffee wrapper on road but get it back home......only LECTURE won't do...but we adults need to do it first at every step fr them to practically watch nd learn nd inculcate nd incorporate these basic habits into their being nd personality. It's after all their FUTURE that we FEW conscious brethren are trying to save. ISN'T IT ???? So no two ways here.....JUST DO IT

Ravneet Kaur I am glad to know that we are making efforts to conserve water. Appreciate your efforts, Balvinder, Deepti, Anna. Can't agree more Anna that "charity begins at home". Practice what you preach and your kids will inculcate the same habits. Hats off for your marathon runs to take the water to its destination. In my mom's place too, they do the same! Love your thoughts on etiquette and discipline!!!

Ravneet Kaur I forgot to mention that when steaming idlis or cakes or anything else, I often place potatoes in the water. This serves two purposes - one I get the steamed thing done and secondly, I get my potatoes half boiled :) I use the boiled rice water to soak my veggies for 5 mins - add salt and turmeric to the hot water and then soak veggies. Yes, I do wash the veggies thereafter under running water to get rid of the starch! Water conservation is in our hands.

Anna Singh Balvinder🙏 I hv heard abt this mulch but frm where do we procure it....nursery?😊pls nte the missing 'ji'.😊

Balvinder Kaur Shukriya😊 Anna I use 3 to 4 layers of shredded newspapers (especially th black nd white ones as the coloured ink is made up ofheavy metals),then spread a layer of dry leaves nd cover it wz moss mulch is also available in nurseries but I haven't used it..moreover I use this mulch only in summers( as u know it retains the moisture in soil) or whenever I am out for a longer period in vacations as then hubby can't take on this additional duty of watering the plants on regular basis..Moreover as monsoon arrives I remove this layer of mulch as I noted that the warmth under the layer attracts worms...In addition to the above mentioned wood chips,grass cuttings or pounded nutshells can also be used

Ritu Singh Mendiratta As an infant is in my home we hv extra consumption of water than earlier like sterilising his utensils n bottle which we later use for watering plants or even soak n wash veggies in it.
I try to use less gas n water for i cook multiple things at one time. Like when cooking rice or dal I keep a bowl inside on a stand for chopped veg and potatoes to get boiled along.
We keep a bowl of water n birds food outside so empty any leftover water in glasses n bottles in it instead of throwing away.

We hardly use washing machine in order to reduce water n electricity only for bedsheets.
Since our society dont hv conserving system in place I have put my application to implement the rain harvesting and store n use the water for car n vehicles wash in society.

Amit Mishra I stopped having soft drinks years ago after a study highlighted the association between soft drinks and stomach cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. After a few years, I came to know that actually I have been saving water by not having cold drinks. Preparing one litre of cold drinks requires 55 litres of water and 120 of 144 soft drink makers in India are cited for exploiting groundwater to the hilt for profit but failing in recharging the aquifers. As a result wherever they operate, they leave the local community bereft of their share of water as the water table recedes deeper and deeper. Same is the case with those selling bottled waters.

We need to make efforts toward water harvesting and conservation. Rain water harvesting is a step in this direction.

Balvinder Kaur Thankfully no body likes soft drinks in our family ..never in our grocery list ,guests r also served shikanji,lassi or shakes

Ravneet Kaur Brilliant ideas Ritu :) I especially liked the idea of doing multiple things at one time - save on gas & time. Even I use washing machine for bedsheets and for winter clothes. Your idea of using leftover water is a must-try :)

Anna Singh Yes.....Amit ji u ar right..i too hv read abt this disturbing info that u mntn...wh really frustrates nd baffles me as reg to our corrupt system wh digs deep till the grass root levels....offfffff I can go on.....sry.😊

Anna Singh Here too we get the cold drink once in a navy blue moon...😊 our traditional drinks are the best😊

Amit Mishra Just like soft drink makers, bottled water companies too are blamed for causing water shortage. Better carry own water where we go or drink water from water dispensers. Say no to bottled water wherever possible. San Francisco has made it illegal for the residents to buy or distribute bottled water to save water and environment.

Water scarcity affects one and all. Only if we could take little steps toward water saving, we could help future generations significantly save this precious natural resource, which is fast depleting.

Anna Singh Yeah always carry own water all of fact paranoid abt it....😊

Balvinder Kaur Same here

Ravneet Kaur Anna, you don't have to bother about lectures with Amit. He can give you good competition - he is a master in the forte!! LOL

Anna Singh Ha ha....he is too extremely intelligent way can I be his competition ....LOL.Ravneet 😊

Ravneet Kaur You're a sweetheart!!

Water, water everywhere - not a drop to drink! Used to recite this thought during childhood but had never imagined what the reality would seem like. It's scary and threatening! Water conservation is the only alternative.

Anna Singh Goldmine of info Balvinder🙏.WL fllw to the hilt fr the sake of my green bachhas.....tks dear😊

Balvinder Kaur You r always welcome dear

Neelam Avasthi Everything has been said here...some of these I follow, rest I will follow with full determination

Ravneet Kaur Ever since posting this here, I am feeling even more responsible and accountable to my own self :) Little efforts toward preventing water wastgae on our part can bring about a big change - kuch tum karo, kuch hum !!! Anna, Balvinder, Deepti, Ritu, Neelam ji!!

Neelam Avasthi Very true

Ravneet Kaur let's keep inspiring each other -  after all, this is all we can do, besides doing our own bit toward the cause of the environment and dealing with water shortage.

Anna Singh Yeah....true Ravneet...things hv already been it needs to be done at war footing by us humans.... sometimes I hv this feeling of guilt.....that hv'nt done enof.....kuch galat hua hai...but now wl fllw wz more grit nd determination.😊😊

Ravneet Kaur Kudos to your determination. Better late than never. I am sure you (read: we) have still done better than others. Water crisis is threatening!

Anna Singh Yes,we hv no doubt abt that....we ever conscientious (hence frustrated)people.....LOL....😊 God help us.😊

Deepti Aggarwal If we follow Wat we preach,we will be setting an example before our kids.......they will automatically follow it,spreading it to others with whom they relate......
Hence,d change will definitely b's better late than simple as dat.....

Ravneet Kaur I am glad to have connected with like-minded girls like you all :) Keep sharing! Let's be an example for others! Yay!!!! Anna, Balvinder, Ritu, Deepti, Neelam ji. I am still looking for tricks from my dear Anita Chahal aunty ji. I am sure she has some bountiful information to share with us all regarding this. Yes, she is busy with a family function these days. We will wait for her feedback on this.

Anna Singh Yes,wz her experience n disciplined background.. Auntyji is an goldmine of info.....waiting waiting😊😊

Anita Chahal Hey girls,,,you seem to have said it all..
First of all thanks for keeping me in your thoughts,dear Ravneet and you
As far as water conservation is concerned,,I have been very very disciplined ,right from my childhood,,,,,,I would like to narrate an incident here....when I was about six,,,,I had gone to my nani's house and was so enchanted with the handpump that I used to keep on and on pumping out water
My nani,,,told me to stop and when I didn't ,,she tried to frighten me by saying,,""if you waste water like this,you will be married into a house where you will have to pump out every drop of water that you ever need""
That did the trick and I stopped
So this is how deep my discipline is....ha ha

Now for the present,,,I second dear Ritu and Ravneet's ideas of multitasking,,to save water as well as energy
I go a step further,,,first I make sukhi sabzi in the cooker,,take it out ,,and without washing the cooker,make dal in it,,,,,double benefit...dal gets an automatic tadka,,and no water is wasted
I don't stop here,I take out the dal,and again without washing,make pulav in the same cooker ....take that also out and boil potatoes in it,,,,so that the cooker gets its dose of hot washing water also
You may call me stingy,,,( my husband says...paani da akal taan nahin pae giya....)but I keep a bucket full of water in the kitchen,with a mug and a small tub ,so that every time I have to wash hands after chopping,peeling,kneading etc.etc.,,,I can wash hands in that tub and then use it to water my potted plants...😊😊

Anita Chahal I fill a large tub every morning,for my maid to use while washing clothes....we also don't normally use the washing machine....use only the dryer,that too in winters and rainy season

Anita Chahal We haven't got the RO installed and use the old aquaguard as water purifier,,so not much wastage on that count too
Another major wastage point is washing vegetables,dal,rice etc.
I collect that water also in the mopping bucket....had realised long back that washing just one glass full of rice,,uses about three jugfulls of water....think about it
These small drops pf savings can go a long way as dear Deepti Aggarwal has pointed out,,our kids are very keen observers of our actions and learn to follow even without our having to tell them

Deepti Aggarwal Anita g,u r similar to my parents,.....they don't waste even a single drop of exactly d same as u hv mentioned......they even store d soapy water left after washing to use it for mopping n cleaning bathrooms n yards......unfortunately,my in laws r nt dat particular.....they make fun of my efforts.....Though I keep on saving water wenever I can...

Ravneet Kaur Hats off to you for your commitment to water conservation!!!

Anna Singh Great Aunty Chahal ji....tks fr sharing yr dedication towards saving water wz us.....wt u mntn reg using the p cooker fr multiple things is exactly wt I do seeing hving seen mom doing this.....tho I cook dal first nd then subzi😊😊. Also I fllw wt my mom used to do u do...keeping a small tub filled wz water on the counter next to sink fr these small washings.....Mom always said baar baar nalka na Kholo....thoda Kholo...hauli Kholo....grown up hearing I do the washing knife, chopping board,plates in wh we cut onions,tomatoes,subzi etc....all these don't need soap washing always....just a small rinse after their tub rinse. This tub water then goes into the planters.In fact my maid wn she comes nd if that used water tub is still there...she cribs....Didi yeh uthao aur gamlon mein dalo....phir mein phenkugi to gussa karoge...ha ha😊 My hubby always jokes....better ask fr commission frm her...u do so much washing urself..😊 Mom also taught me to rinse n stack dirty then they rqr less water while washing.😊😊so we do learn frm seeing our parents practically do the right things...wh now we are doing.

Balvinder Kaur Wah Auntyji,ur idea of reusing the cooker is very nice..smtimes I also do the same. ..much to learn from u

Ravneet Kaur Look Anna, we have got tips pouring in here from our dearest aunty ji :) I am loving all of the information shared by you. Age-old tricks work better !

Who does not want water after all? Prevent water wastage and we could avert water crisis to a great extent.

Ravneet Kaur Even I try using the cooker and other cooking utensils multiple times when I am cooking in one go, so there is less of washing to do and it saves time and water :) I will follow your TUB idea hereafter!!!

Balvinder Kaur Haha... I must say all these punjabi moms were very disciplined and concerned about not to waste anything

Anna Singh LOL......all dragon moms....Balvinder🙏

Anita Chahal Noooooo

Ravneet Kaur Sangeeta ji lives in nature's haven, but I am sure she too has some great tips to share with us all :) Every single trick counts.

Anna Singh Yes Ravneet....Sangeeta ji is missing frm our action.....😊

Ravneet Kaur I tell you girls I have heard real-life instances of water scarcity from some close people. One of my dearest brothers lives in Karnataka (Gadag). They get water supply every 15 days. When he told me about it, I couldn't believe it 10 years ago. But this is a fact. I wonder how people carry out their daily affairs with such acute shortage of water. I asked him how do you manage, he replied they store water in tubs, buckets, and utensils when they get the supply once in 15 days - still unbelievable., Then I went to shirdi 2 years back, the cab driver told the same story that they get water after 15-16 days each month..........I am saddened and wonder what we are saving for future generations......Pause

Balvinder Kaur Really dear,whatever we r today is because of them only...Assi sirf padhe haan par oh gune hoe ne..That's the difference

Ravneet Kaur When I came to Delhi, I had a similar experience here, though we were still lucky to get water once in 2 days.. I had never experienced such shortage of water in Punjab. But the picture is changing fast even in Punjab - the land of 5 rivers!!! Alas!!

The situation in Punjab is getting scary by the day - the ground water level is depleting. People are digging deeper and deeper bore wells to get their supply of water. Then we say there is no water shortage in Punjab.

Anna Singh Ravneet wt Aunty chahal ji said abt water wastage while washing rice is true. Again wt I learned seeing washing dals or rice is that I use a fine mesh to wash them first under slow running tap...quickly the main dirt washes off...cllct that water.......then transfer to a bowl or cooker nd give final rinse wh then throws out small particles too. Telling u it is faster nd takes less water. Also I always wash nd rinse my greens(palak saag methi etc)in winters in buckets nd then use this water fr plants.😊 Chaloji Saab bataa Diya......The End...LOL

Ravneet Kaur Now I wonder how much water do we waste washing greens, especially saag, palak...mera sarson saag wash karan wich he 4-5 buckets use hunda water and I do not have any means to use the same, since I hardly have 5-6 pots of plants!!!! Would also implement rice wala idea..thanks dearie :)

Water saving should be on top of your agenda - the prime task each day should be to conserve water and use it efficiently. After all, water saved is water earned.

Anna Singh Real sorry state of affairs Ravneet......SCARY😱

Anna Singh Use that water after greens rinsing to wash yr veranda or balcony iso throwing it away or I also use it in the pot instead of flushing at that time or wash yr foot mats or mops etc in that water after adding washing powder nd then rinse wz clean water 😊 Ravneet

Ravneet Kaur Another useful tip that I have inherited from mom is soaking kitchen towels in boiled water (left after boiling potatoes). Just add detergent to the hot water and keep it at the counter and wash them when the water is still warm. Rinse in clean water!! Yay :)

Anna Singh Learned frm elders......wl teach the youngsters.....hopefully😊

The global water scarcity is scary. Water is life or the very foundation of life. We cannot survive without water. Are we ready to fight over water now? Trivial fights have already started, with people fighting each other to get first in water supply lines.

We have shared a few water saving tips here. What are you doing toward water conservation? Remember, water scarcity would affect everyone alike. Little steps on your part could bring a change!

Start saving water today! You never know what future holds for your children!! Sigh!


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