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Flax seed benefits nobody talks about [Does Heat Reduce Nutrients From Flaxseeds]

 Flax seeds benefits are aplenty but there are some that nobody talks about. Let's explore the same here:

1. flax seeds reduce oxidative stress, which is known to cause tissue damage and causing chronic inflammation. Unfortunately,  Oxidative stress also causes DNA oxidation, and depletion of antioxidant enzymes.

2. flax seeds help reduce inflammation.

3. flaxseeds are effective in reducing symptoms of metabolic syndrome 

4. flax seeds help reduce blood pressure and blood sugar

5. flaxseeds help reduce uric acid levels

Flaxseeds for Women Helath

Flaxseeds: Tiny Gems for the Modern Woman

Far beyond their subtle crunch lies flaxseeds’ treasure - a bounty of nutrients tailored to feminine needs. These unassuming specks burst with compounds that can profoundly uplift a woman’s wellbeing:

Hormone Helpers: Flaxseeds harbor plant hormones called lignans, which can sync estrogen levels. By balancing hormones, they may ease PMS, menopause and other symptoms.  

Heart Heroes: With anti-inflammatory omega oils and fiber, flaxseeds are heart-health all-stars. They help lower cholesterol, blood pressure and inflammation for robust cardiovascular health.  

Bone Builders: Abundant calcium and magnesium make flaxseeds bone-strengthening superstars. Getting enough of these minerals can prevent devastating fractures.

Gut Guardians: Flaxseeds’ considerable fiber content keeps digestion running smoothly to prevent constipation. And their nutrients can nourish gut flora.

Skin Saviors: These seeds house antioxidants that bestow a healthy glow while their anti-inflammatory properties help reduce wrinkles and skin damage.

Integrating flaxseeds is simple:

Add them ground to yogurt, oats or smoothies. Bake them into breads or blend them into protein shakes. Experiment with flaxseed oil in dressings and dips for a nutrient infusion.   

The key is moderation – gradually increase intake while listening to your body. And, as always, discuss major dietary changes with your trusted health provider.

Empower yourself by tapping into flaxseeds’ gifts. Their tiny treasure troves brim with natural magic to uplift a woman’s health and inner radiance. Discover their power – and yourself – today!

Does heating flaxseeds destroy nutrients?

Do Heated Flaxseeds Lose Nutrition?

Rest assured, exposing flaxseeds to heat retains their nutritional riches. Science confirms that baking these tiny treasures leaves their exceptional fiber, fatty acids, antioxidants and other treasures largely unharmed. 

Two compounds - lignans and omega-3s - make flaxseeds nutritional VIPs. Lignans act as plant hormones that can balance female hormones for a litany of health perks. And omega-3 fatty acids are essential for easing inflammation and nurturing cardiovascular wellness. 

But what happens when flaxseeds meet heat? Studies in the Journal of Food Science and the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reveal that moderate heating - baking at 300°F to 350°F for 30 minutes - causes minimal nutrient loss. Lignan levels dip by just 6% while omega-3 fats decrease 12%. Quite trivial sacrifices.

In fact, heat unlocks additional benefits - easier digestion and better nutrient absorption. Heat gentle cracks flaxseeds’ protective hulls, allowing their treasures to be readily utilized by the body.

So savor flaxseeds however you wish - raw, baked into breads, blended into smoothies. Their diverse nutrients withstand heating while their versatilty allows for limitless recipes. For optimal wellness, enjoy flaxseeds daily any way you please!

does roasting flaxseeds affect omega 3?

Heating or roasting flaxseeds does not affect its nutritional profile. infact, roasting flaxseeds for a little while helps unlock its multiple benefits and prolongs its shelf life. 

Similar studies indicate that omega-3 content remains relatively stable with moderate heating. One study in the Journal of Food Science reported a 12% reduction in omega-3s after baking flaxseeds at 160°C (320°F) for 30 minutes.

Eating flaxseeds can help against:

  •  high blood pressure
  •  Alzheimer's disease
  •  heart failure

Prevent buildup of

  • platelet
  • sodium 
  • calcium 
  • phosphorus 
  • magnesium 

According to Science Direct, flaxseed benefits are aplenty, 

Brown colored hull possesses dietary attributes and a rich amount of ω-3 fatty acids except that of yellow-colored flaxseeds (Linola), which have less ω-3 fatty acid content and possess a varying oil profile (Dribnenki et al., 2007). Brown flaxseeds are utilized in the dye industry, as livestock feed, and as a source of dietary fiber (Faintuch et al., 2011). Flaxseed contains several bioactive compounds, dietary fiber, polyphenols, lignans, vitamins (C, A, E, and F), and minerals (Jheimbach and Port Royal 2009). Fat, protein and dietary fiber are abundant in flaxseed however starch content is present in a lesser amount. Usually, whole flaxseed consists of 29–41% fat, 21–31% protein, 21–36% dietary fibre, 1% simple sugars 3–4% ash, and 4–8% water content. Geographical area, time of ha

Flaxseed references



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