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Is ghee good for acidity? Is ghee an acidity food?

 Ghee and Acidity: Examining the Evidence

There is currently no conclusive scientific evidence from NIH or PubMed sources to definitively claim that ghee is good or bad for acidity. Here's a breakdown of the available research:

Potential benefits of ghee for acidity:

Anti-inflammatory properties: Some studies suggest that ghee may have anti-inflammatory properties due to its conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content. Inflammation can contribute to various digestive issues, potentially including acidity. However, more research is needed to confirm this link specifically for acidity.

Lubrication and protection: Ghee's high fat content might create a lubricating effect in the digestive tract, potentially offering some relief from discomfort associated with acidity. However, this effect hasn't been definitively linked to reducing acidity itself.

Potential drawbacks of ghee for acidity:

High fat content: Ghee is high in saturated fat, which can worsen symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a common cause of acidity. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) recommends limiting saturated fat intake for people with GERD.

Individual variability: Responses to dietary interventions can vary greatly among individuals. Some people might find ghee helpful for their acidity, while others might experience worsened symptoms.


More research is needed to establish any conclusive link between ghee and acidity.

Individual responses can vary, and consulting a healthcare professional for personalized advice is crucial.

If you suffer from acidity, consider other management strategies recommended by NIDDK, such as:

  • Avoiding trigger foods like spicy or acidic foods
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Eating smaller, more frequent meals
  • Elevating the head of your bed while sleeping

Remember, self-treating with any food or supplement, including ghee, without consulting a healthcare professional can be risky. Listen to your body, track your symptoms, and seek professional guidance for personalized recommendations.

According to a study, ghee has potential medicinal properties:

Faster food absorption and digestion: Ghee might aid in quicker digestion, preventing food from "sitting heavy" in the stomach.

Stimulation of stomach acids: Ghee might stimulate the production of stomach acids, potentially improving digestion efficiency.

Important notes:

  • More research is needed to confirm any causal link between cow ghee and weight loss.
  • Individual responses to dietary interventions can vary greatly.
  • Consulting a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes is crucial.
  • Always seek comprehensive information and professional guidance regarding health and dietary choices.

This is my personal experience that ghee helps reduce symptoms of acidity/heart burn....i have found some science based facts on ghee and acidity. however, do not go beyond the recommended dosage of ghee in any case. Always talk to your doctor first.


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