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Showing posts with the label no yeast bread

Irish Soda Bread: Yeast Free Bread Recipe Easy, Simple Soda Bread

Who does not love bread? Each one of us has relished bread in childhood, enjoying these soft crusty bakes even now, and plan to do so in the future as we age. Why not? soda bread with whole wheat Irish soda bread no yeast recipe  This Irish soda bread is unlike the typical yeast breads. Cretainly, this Irish yeast-free bread is unlike my no-yeast bread recipes. The soda bread recipe is quick, instant, and sans heavy fats. yeast free soda bread Irish recipe This recipe has been on my mind since long. I have tried steaming it on previous occassions. But I was not too happy with the result. Steamed soda breads were moist and crumbly in texture. This time I got inspired by Bharath Kumar from HBG, an awesome baker himself- who had posted Irish soda bread recipe in the group. Taking leaf from his book, I went ahead with my own mdifications. Yes, this one is different. It is not only quick but loaded with carom seeds. Surprised? Well, I read somewhere...

Yeast-Free Bread Recipe | Irish Soda Bread Recipe With Whole Wheat, Oats [LOCKDOWN RECIPE]

No yeast atta bread recipe is for health freaks like me. I am skeptical to use yeast in my bread recipes, so always try to come up with yeast free whole wheat bread recipes that give me the satisfaction of not including "yeast the beast" to satiate my bread cravings. yeast free atta bread Sounds interesting? No yeast bread recipes are not as popular as those with yeast. But I always try yeast-free recipes. I have been trying to experiment with different bread combinations. This time tried my hands at a mixture of rice flour, whole wheat, and oats. The bread comes out super soft, though there is always a difference between yeast and no yeast bread. But for a healthy take, the yeast-free bread has many takers - at least I am always ready to bake one. We have not bought market bread for more than a year now. Yeast can be a major cause of allergies in many people with high histamine levels. So we try to avoid mark...

No Yeast Garlic Bread Rolls With Oatmeal: Homemade Whole Wheat Garlic Rolls

no yeast garlic bread Do you love garlic bread? Wondering how to make no yeast garlic bread recipe? Garlic bread - the very name makes my mouth to water! Don't you have the same experience? Hubby and I have been savoring garlic bread since marriage - once it was our favorite breakfast. Sometimes garlic bread did make its way into our snack time. But then after the onset of the allergy problem, we stopped buying breads outside, no bakery products, no ready-to-eat stuff and much more. It was then that I started experimenting with different yeast-free bread recipes at home. Yes, this eggless home made wheat garlic bread roll recipe came up only after series of experiments. I am loving my food experiments, for I believe in healthy eating. This is what keeps me going! Not bad na! Self motivation is crucial everywhere these days. I keep myself motivated by posting my food experments with everyone in food groups. My ow on facebook food group, Healthy Recipes by Ho...

No Yeast Whole Meal Bread

oats bread As mentioned earlier, we are not buying bread for over a year, so I have experimented with a few bread recipes on my own. However, this time I wanted to include oats as well to give a healthier twist to our breads. Again, oatmeal does not disappoint. It's such a relief to find the healthiest of grains giving me the best results in bread making. This is a softer bread than my previous bread varieties - no yeast  ragi bread and whole wheat bread  no yeast. To enhance flavor, I have included garlic - so it is garlic wheat-oats bread without yeast. I also added fermented urad dal and oat meal batter, which is optional for this recipe. It was merely an experiment, and I am not sure if it did make any difference to the recipe. Let's turn to the recipe now: Atta Oats Bread Ingredients 1/2 cup- oats 1/2 cup- atta (whole wheat flour) 1/2 tsp- sugar salt as per taste 1/2 tsp- baking soda whey to knead dough (should be soft, but not too sticky) - wh...

No Yeast Bread for Hot Dog Base | Yeast-Free Bread Recipe With Whole Wheat Flour

yeast free bread Looking for a no yeast bread recipe? This one can come in handy. People of all age groups love hot dog. But it isn't the healthiest food option. So I decided to take a plunge into the making of hot dog - yes, yeast-free hot dog base. I added exactly the same ingredients as that of yeast-free bread . Voila!  The result I got was good, though it does not give you the same taste as the market-bought hot dog, it is a good alternative for those looking for a no yeast option. Whether you want to avoid yeast the beast for health reasons, histamine intolerance, yeast allergy, or due to religious belief, this no yeast bread recipe can be the answer to satiate your garlic bread cravings.  Did I say this is a whole wheat bread no yeast no maida? White flour or all-purpose flour is the worst ingredient to include in your recipes. It does your bodies no good; rather, it only adds carbs and empty calories in your bodies.  Maida has been a cause of...