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Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter Guide India [Ravneet Bhalla Sourdough Starter Series for No Yeast Bread]

Whole wheat sourdough starter guide for Indian audience is here. This is specific to Indian climatic conditions.
I invited a few sourdough experts to the group a few months back to share their experience with everyone here. The idea was to educate group members about the deep ocean of sourdough so everyone could benefit from natural yeasted breads. But somehow their participation never happened.

So I challenged myself to  jump into the sourdough ocean and learn to swim with the waves. In doing so, it was my earnest desire to educate all those who needed to learn about sourdough in the group.
Everything happens with a reason, right?
Happy that the girls did not accept my invitation to share their knowledge. We are happily and successfully learning how-tos of sourdough.

 I am still no expert but experimenting to get it right and share my experience with you all. It's a long journey, friends.

Is sourdough healthy?
Besides improving the textural qualities of bread, a slow-fermented or sourdough bread reduces phytate content in grains and improves mineral bioavailability..
Can you put sugar in your sourdough starter? 
why do you want to add sugar to your starter? Sugar will only give more food to the yeast. Instead use a whole grain flour, millet flour or pseudo-cereal, which would give your starter energy and nutrition.
whole wheat sourdough bread recipe indian

How do you add flavor to a sourdough starter? 
Well, how would you add flavor to normal bread? I have experimented with several types of sourdough bread in India with whole wheat and healthy grains. Just go with your heart and add whatever flavor you want to.

Mam wat to do with discarded starter?
You should not use the discard until it starts smelling good. I throw it in the compost bin
Why do you discard half the sourdough starter? 
Because I don't want my starter to be sour. If you don't discard, then the multiple yeast cells will fight for their share of food when you feed the starter. The food or feed will be consumed quickly and the yeast will become hungry quickly. If you starve your natural yeast for longer, it starts releasing a watery substance, known as hooch. It will make your starter sour. The lesser the amount of starter to feed, the higher the amount of food availability for the yeast to grow. Your starter will be fresh and this will check the sourness as well. 

How much Starter we need for Making Basic 2 Cups Wheat Sourdough Bread. Should we use Sourdough Starter  just like Yeast (Very Little)🤔
Well, no. There's no hard and fast rule on the amount of starter required in a recipe. Ideally if you wish to keep sourness away, it's important that the bread proofs faster or is rested in the refrigerator for bulk fermentation. However, my experience says that the sourdough bread should rest for no more than 6-8 hours in fridge. There are many tips and tricks to making your sourdough less sour or mildly sour. You can use 2 tbsp of mature starter for 2 cups of whole wheat flour. You may add more or up to 1/4cup. In that case, the bread would rise quicker. This will keep a check on sourness. The more hydrated the bread, the lesser the sourness. My focus is on baking a sourdough minus sourness, so I continue to harp on sour factor.

Can we take our normal Chapati wheat atta or we need WHOLE Wheat?  because the regular roti ata is not whole wheat?
I use Patanjali whole wheat flour. Many who followed this video tried with Ashirwad some with chakki fresh or mill atta. Everything works. Just observation is the key so please follow the starter series and go with 3+3 proportions, instead of 3+2 as mentioned in this video.

Madam I have watched your video I want to make sour dough bread but first is starter as in recipe u have mentioned take a air tight jar and take 3 tsp Atta and 3 tsp water and mix it keep for 24 hour and for 12 hour how many days should I keep it Can u pls guide me
Hi, it is a glass not an airtight container. First 24 hours, mix 3 tbsp flour with 3 tbsp water.. Cover with a cloth.. Keep for 24 hours.. You may stir it once or twice or keep it like that. After 24 hours, stir it well and mix 3 tbsp flour and 3 tbsp water. Then after 12 hours, discard half and mix 3+3..follow this process after every 10-12 hours, since it is hot these days, your starter might start rising rapidly and then you need to observe when that happens. I made this when it was still winter and took me 10 days but in summers, it might be ready earlier.. Sometimes within 6 days... Observation is the key.
Can I mix flours in my sourdough starter in India?
Absolutely. There is no reason you cannot.

What to do with discard batch ? We have to waste that ... not good , I mean why to waste food?
The intial discard smells bad and has bad bacteria.
It needs to develop and become strong for you to use the discard in your recipes. Wait for it to smell more bread-like. Then it is ready for use.

I live in Dehradun and winters are approaching. Would it be better to follow 24 hr cycles and a larger batch. Like i started with 100 gms water and 100 gms whole wheat flour.
Well, if you start with a bigger batch, you will be wasting a lot of flour and water initially. By the time your starter is ready, you will have a lot of discard. However, if you plan to bake daily, then it might be a good idea to start big. Otherwise start small always. Additionally, since we are using whole grain flours for sourdough starter, it's a good idea to feed your starter frequently. Frequent feeds (12-hour cycle) will help keep a check on sourness. Otherwise, a whole grain starter will easily turn sour since the natural yeast cells will happily feed on the proteins and starches from whole grains and become hungry again. This could result in a sour starter. If I were in your place, I would make my starter now and continue to feed it every 3 days to keep it fresh forever in the refrigerator ( of course, after it is ready). I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Q. Thank you so much for taking the time out to reply. You are right about it. Whole wheat flour and Indian climate contribute to quicker ferment as I can see massive activity in my culture from day 1. So I'm going to follow your video to every detail. I think it's brilliant!
Thanks fact, I have shared a day-to-day starter series on the channel (let's make whole wheat sourdough starter together). Many followed the series and were able to make the starter with me. Do refer to the entire series with day by day updates. It will be even more useful. Let me know if there are any questions.

Q.Nicely demonstrated! Can the flour be added without discarding the dough?  Why have to discard?

Well, the reason to discard is to ensure a proper proportion of starter and feeds.  Because you add an almost equal amount of starter discarded. If you were to keep the starter without discard, you may need an equal feed (flour+water) every time to match the starter volume. You can use discard in a number of ways. Or prepare your starter without discard. Works both ways.

Q. How to store discarded flour and when and how it is ready to use? Is there your video on it? Pl make it if you can.. I'm a beginner so would like to know.
I will. However, it is better to use discard than store it because it will become sour without feeding. I will share a few discard recipes.
Can I feed my sourdough starter with gluten-free flour? 
Yes, absolutely. In fact, I often make my gluten-free starter with my whole wheat starter. It happily eats away the new flour proteins and responds with a quick rise. I love to see those big bubbles that keep getting bigger whenever I introduce my starter to a new flour.

Q. Can I feed my whole grain starter every 24 hours? 
No dear, your starter will become hungry. You need to feed it at least every 12 hours.. Since the Weather is hot your side, your starter gets deprived of food. Give it a good mix.. Discard half and follow the 8-12 hour feeding cycle.

For how many days should I keep it ? Should I keep it for 3 to 4 days or much longer?.
 It depends on your starter and weather. You need to feed it every 10-12 hours until it is ready to use. It may take anywhere between 6 and 10days. It should rise consistently within the same amount of time for it to be ready. So keep observing. Observation is the key to making the right sourdough starter. Please check the complete video. You ll get an idea

What is the best flour to use for a sourdough starter?
Whatever flour you want to experiment with. I suggest not limting yourself to such thoughts. Do not follow others. Rather, follow your heart and experiment. The world is your stage. When I wanted to start with sourdough, I read many starter recipes for beginners - all suggesting (and even warning) to start with bread flour or all-purpose flour, which is easier to handle or manage.

Whole wheat flour, on the other hand, is not expected to be a good performer. But contradicting such theories,  I kick-started my journey with whole wheat flour in India for sourdough starter. It won me many hearts, because many of my girls (from Youtube audience and Facebook) followed the steps to recreate their own whole wheat sourdough starters. They are happily using the same in bread baking. What more do I want? 

No, I am still not a sourdough expert. But the unconventional baker in me is happy to break some typical conventions and notions in baking. Follow your heart, friends!
I am not a sourdough expert and you may find a lot of differences between the way I work and how others make use of sourdough...I do not follow anyone; rather, believe in experimenting and all of my recipes are works in progress and a validation of my experiments..I share when I succeed :) 

Sourdough Starter Guide India 

Sourdough Starter Series India - DAY 1

100% whole wheat sourdough starter series


PLease start with this step now if you are keen to make your own natural yeast at home. I will be posting everyday developments on my starter so you can follow up easily,.

How many are starting? If you have any doubts, please ask
check this video:

Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter Series -DAY 2

Whole wheat sourdough starter series - starter status after the first 24 hours. This is Day 2 and we are back with an update on our starter. If you are making the starter along with me, then you may observe:
1) bubbly starter that has not risen

2) bubbly well-risen starter (may or may not doubled)
Please state in comments, what is your starter status after 24 hours (1st or 2nd)

In both cases, your starter is on track.
If yours is the first case, then you do not need to discard it now, that is after 24 hours. All you need to do is to feed your whole wheat starter with 3 tbsp flour and 3 tbsp water. The process goes like this - stir it well and then mix the feeds. Stir it again and cover with a cloth or loose lid.
Set the rubber or marker mark and observe for the next 12 hours.

If yours is the second case, then
stir your starter well
discard half of or little less
take a new jar/glass
stir in the feeds - 3 tbsp flour + 3 tbsp water
stir well until no dry flour is apparent
stir in half of the starter
mix well
cover with a cloth or loose lid
set the mark/rubber at the level of the starter
observe your starter - in your case, the starter might start to rise again quickly.
that's okay.
wait to see how long it rises and observe its fall for the next 10-12 hours.

In both cases, after 12 hours, you will need to
discard half
take a new glass
feed -3 + 3 
add half of the starter
mix well
cover with a cloth
set the rubber mark
observe for the next 10-12 hours

I will update the status of my starter once it's next 12 hours are completed.
It is already rising in my case.

It's more important when you are using whole grains for your starter.
The reason is that whole grains are rich in proteins and minerals.
The starter feeds on them happily and quickly and becomes hungry again soon.
That means it requires frequent feeds so that your sourdough starter does not become sour.
This is where observation comes into play.
Observe when it rises and keep an eye on its falls.
You need to plan out its feeds just before your starter falls (10-12 hours).

PLEASE POST YOUR DOUBTS, QUERIES and starter status update in comments.
Here's the complete sourdough starter indian tutorial for no yeast bread.

Ingredients required
3 tbsp whole wheat flour
3 tbsp normal water ( room temperature)
Keep in a warm place
I have kept in the kitchen
If it is cold at your side, you may keep it in the oven, without shutting or locking the door. Just keep it loosely covered. We want natural yeast from the environment to be attracted to the flour and water and feed on it.
It is still okay to keep it without oven. I made starter when the weather was cool, and even then I kept it at room temperature in the kitchen.

Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter Series -DAY 2 (Second feed)

Day 2: Second feed ( starter status)

My starter started rising rapidly after the first feed in the morning. It had doubled within 6-8 hours, so I fed it within 10 hours. So if your starter performs the same, you can feed it before 12 hours. However, do not make it a habit to do so; else, starters tend to become lethargic.

In that case, if your starter continues to rise rapidly, you may place it in a bowl of water to check its growth. Placing it in water will slow down some of its growth speed, so it won't grow rapidly.

Keep observing your starter - its rise and fall.
How long does it take to rise /double in size
When does it fall - please observe this (this is critically important -because if a starter falls and it is not fed, it will start releasing water due to hunger; that water is known as hooch and it makes the starter sour). So it is important that you observe the rise and fall and feed it before the sourdough starter falls. This will help keep your starter healthy and also check sourness.

Whole grain or whole wheat sourdough starters tend to rise and fall rapidly because the yeast feeds on the proteins from the whole grains and gets hungry rapidly. 

So when making your own sourdough starter with 100% whole wheat flour in India , keep observing (starter) your baby, nurture it, and care for it so it can give you delicious bread that are a healthier alternative to market junk.

In a nutshell, whether your starter is rising or not at this stage,  you will need to 
discard half
take a new glass
feed -3 + 3  
add half of the starter
mix well
cover with a cloth 
set the rubber mark
observe for the next 10-12 hours (every 10-12 hours)
Observe its rise and fall some cases, the starter will not rise until the 5th day.
On the third day, it might look almost gone too. Do not worry, it is normal. 
You just need to follow the discard and feed cycle in that case every 12 hours.

However, in the case, where it is rising rapidly, you need to observe its fall and feed before its fall. 

I will update the status of my starter once it's next 12 hours are completed.

It's more important when you are using whole grains for your starter.
The reason is that whole grains are rich in proteins and minerals.
The starter feeds on them happily and quickly and becomes hungry again soon.
That means it requires frequent feeds so that your sourdough starter does not become sour.
This is where observation comes into play.
Observe when it rises and keep an eye on its falls.
You need to plan out its feeds just before your starter falls (10-12 hours).

PLEASE POST YOUR DOUBTS, QUERIES and starter status update in comments.
Here's the complete sourdough starter indian tutorial for no yeast bread.

Ingredients required
3 tbsp whole wheat flour
3 tbsp normal water ( room temperature)
Keep in a warm place
I have kept in the kitchen
If it is chili your side, you may keep in the oven, without shutting or locking the door. Just keep it loosely covered. We want natural yeast from the environment to be attracted to the flour and water and feed on it.
It is still okay to keep it without oven. I made starter when the weather was cool, and even then I kept it at room temperature in the kitchen.
After 24 hours,
discard half
mix the remaining half with 3 tbsp flour and 3 tbsp water  in a new glass, cover with a new cloth.

Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter Series -DAY 3 (first feed)

We are into Day 3 of our whole wheat sourdough starter series and as expected, my starter has become dormant. It is typical of a starter to go silent on the third day in most cases. It is NATURAL. So if it is your case too, do not worry and continue to discard and feed as per schedule 10-12 hours cycle.

On Day 3, my starter had a hooch layer on top and it was completely silent with just a few bubbles when I stirred it. That's natural. 
I discarded half after stirring the starter well and then fed it with 3 tbsp of whole wheat flour and 3 tbsp of water. I have used 2 tbsp of starter now. Discarded the rest of it.

While this is expected to be the case even in the evening and tomorrow, that is day 4, but it is nature'a handiwork. So we cannot declare what will happen next.


Just watch out for a few bubbles in your starter. Feed it as per schedule.
Stir in one direction only.
Change glass/ mason jar.
You may take a tall glass too if your starter is still doubling and tripling.
In that case, observe its falls and rise times.
Feed accordingly before it falls.
We do not want it to become sour.

Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter Series -DAY 3 (second feed)

We are into Day 3 of our whole wheat sourdough starter series and it is time for the second feed after 12 hours. As expected, my starter has become dormant and looks at the same level as it was at the time of the first feed in the morning. 

It is typical of a sourdough starter to go silent on the third day in most cases. It is NATURAL. So if it is your case too, do not worry and continue to discard and feed as per scheduled 10-12 hours cycle.

On Day 3, my starter had a hooch layer on top and it was completely silent with just a few bubbles when I stirred it. That's natural. 
I discarded half after stirring the starter well and then fed it with 3 tbsp of whole wheat flour and 3 tbsp of water. I have used 2 tbsp of starter now. Discarded the rest of it.

Day 3- second feed (there was no hooch layer and the starter was slightly bubbly. Upon stirring it becomes more bubbly).
Smell is not pleasant
It did not rise
It is slightly bubbly (good sign)

While this is expected to be the case even tomorrow, that is day 4, but it is nature's handiwork. So we cannot declare what will happen next.


Just watch out for a few bubbles in your starter. Feed it as per schedule.
Stir in one direction only.
Change glass/ mason jar. Use a glass container only. Do not take plastic or steel.
You may take a tall glass too if your starter is still doubling and tripling.
In that case, observe its falls and rise times.
Feed accordingly before it falls.
We do not want it to become sour.

It's more important when you are using whole grains for your starter.
The reason is that whole grains are rich in proteins and minerals.
The starter feeds on them happily and quickly and becomes hungry again soon.
That means it requires frequent feeds so that your sourdough starter does not become sour.
This is where observation comes into play.
Observe when it rises and keep an eye on its falls.

The idea is to track how long it remains tall (doubled or tripled). How long does it remain growing/rising? It will fall once it has fed on all the food you have given it. So that's what I want you to observe - the fall. For example, your rises/doubles/triples in 4 hours. How long does it stay in that position? Does it fall instantly or it stays intact for some time before falling. That is the time you must feed it. Because that should keep a check on its health.
You need to plan out its feeds just before your starter falls (10-12 hours).

Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter Series -DAY 4 (first feed)

We are into Day 4 of our whole wheat sourdough starter series and it is time for the first feed after 12 hours. As expected, my starter looks slightly better than yesterday, though it looks at the same level as it was yesterday after feed. 

It is typical of a sourdough starter to go silent on the third day in most cases. It becomes a little better. I

It is NATURAL. So if it is your case too, do not worry and continue to discard and feed as per scheduled 10-12 hours cycle.

On Day 4, my starter looks a little better than yesterday.
a little more bubbly when I stirred it. That's natural. 
It smells a little better than yesterday.

I discarded half after stirring the starter well and then fed it with 3 tbsp of whole wheat flour and 3 tbsp of water. I have used 2 tbsp of starter now. Discarded the rest of it.

Day 4- first feed (there was no hooch layer and the starter was slightly bubbly. Upon stirring it becomes more bubbly).
Smell is little pleasant
It did not rise
It is slightly more bubbly (good sign)


Just watch out for a few bubbles in your starter. Feed it as per schedule.
Stir in one direction only.
Change glass/ mason jar. Use a glass container only. Do not take plastic or steel.
You may take a tall glass too if your starter is still doubling and tripling.
In that case, observe its falls and rise times.
Feed accordingly before it falls.
We do not want it to become sour.

Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter Series -DAY 4 (second feed)

We are into Day 4 of our whole wheat sourdough starter series and it is time for the SECOND feed after 10 hours. As expected, my starter looks slightly better than the time of the first feed and smells even better. It has risen slightly and was about to fall when I decided to feed it. So my feed timing has changed to 10 hours now. I will start to observe its rise and falls now. It is nearing completion so the rise and falls would be quick. 

So if it is your case too, continue to discard and feed as per scheduled 10-12 hours cycle.

On Day 4, my starter looks a little better than yesterday.
a little more bubbly when I stirred it. That's natural. 
It smells a little better now compared to the morning feed.

I discarded half of the whole wheat sourdough starter after stirring the starter well and then fed it with 3 tbsp of whole wheat flour and 3 tbsp of water. I have used 2 tbsp of starter now. Discarded the rest of it. From now onward, our discard can be used in recipes. I have shared a couple of sourdough discard recipes, please check those.

Day 4- second feed (The starter was slightly bubbly. Upon stirring, it becomes more bubbly).
Smell is pleasant 
It has risen slightly
It is more bubbly (good sign)


Just watch out for a few bubbles in your starter. Feed it as per schedule.
Stir in one direction only.
Change glass/ mason jar. Use a glass container only. Do not take plastic or steel.
You may take a tall glass too if your starter is still doubling and tripling.
In that case, observe its falls and rise times.
Feed accordingly before it falls.
We do not want it to become sour.

Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter Series -DAY 5 (first feed)

We are into Day 5 of our whole wheat sourdough starter series and it is time for the first feed after 12 hours. As expected, my starter looks better than day 4 and smells even better. It rose slightly and fell. I let it sit like that before going to bed.
So from now onward, your feed timing might need to be changed if your starter looks and behaves the same as mine. 

I will start to observe its rise and falls now more closely.

So if it is your case too, continue to discard and feed as per scheduled 10-12 hours cycle.

On Day 5, my starter looks much better than yesterday.
More bubbly when I stirred it. That's natural. 
It smells much better now - the smell is more like proofing bread dough.

I discarded half of the whole wheat sourdough starter after stirring the starter well and then fed it with 3 tbsp of whole wheat flour and 3 tbsp of water. I have used 2 tbsp of starter now. Discarded the rest of it. From now onward, our discard can be used in recipes. I have shared a couple of sourdough discard recipes, please check those.

Day5 - first feed (The starter was slightly more bubbly. Upon stirring, it becomes bubblier).
Smell is pleasant 
It has risen slightly
It is more bubbly (good sign)

Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter Series -DAY 5 (second feed)

Follow the feeds as per your sourdough starter cycle. Post your questions in comments.

I am posting the comments and answers to them:
​  If your starter is doing well and smells good, then you can keep the discard. It has got to smell good if you wish to use the not do so before that....yes, you can simply collect all the discard in one bowl if you wish to..because anyway, it will rise in the refrigerator too..better to use it right away or the next day...because how much will you collect every day? Regarding feed, you need to check how much your starter grows...does it only double or triple in size? feed it when you see it has started to must be fed before it drops at the same level at which you had fed it..

Your whole wheat sourdough starter is close to completion if it is bubbly and smells good, rises , doubles or triples after a period of being dormant for a day or two.....just keep feeding it in time...observe its rise and falls..doubling or tripling..feed before it reaches at the same level at which you had fed...or when you start to see it drop, feed it them :) this will ensure you get a starter which is healthy and has little to mild sourness :)

@Shruthy Jacob Q. It’s been 11 hours since my feed in the morning, my starter has risen to half but hasn’t that ok?

Ravneet Bhalla : Absolutely dear. In that case, follow your 12-hour feed-discard cycle. Which day is it?

Q.  it’s day 6 for me
@Shruthy Jacob oh. Is it? You can feed it at 12hours if it hasn't fallen. After feed, notice any signs of tripling. It may or may not triple. When it starts to rise quickly and then falls, feed it before it drops, as shown in the video.

aneese Ismail
So at this point we have to maintain it whole night in the water bath, that's how we avoid feeding it in 4hrs cycle during this stage, right?

Right dear. That's in my case if your starter has reached the same stage. Otherwise, if it is not rising at such speed, you can keep it outside the water bath. How's your starter doing now? Do you see any improvement from the first feed in the morning?

aneese Ismail  
@Ravneet Bhalla It's 8 n half hrs now. I have a doubt it's not rising but leaving little water, Hooch I guess, the water level has not risen much. I'm keeping an eye on it. I see few bubbles inside upon tilting the glass.Shall I proceed with the 10hrs feed of 3+3+1 or 3+3+2..but no rise at all. It's is exact at the same level. Bad smell is vanishing little by little and now it's smelling like idly batter!

Ravneet bhalla:  Go with 3+3+1. Let's give the starter more food and see where it goes from there. If it's leaving water, then feed it right away. Remove the water if you can. Then stir well. Discard and feed. The only good sign is that it has some bubbles and smell is tolerable, as you say.

aneese Ismail  • hi Ravneet.. it's 11 hrs now.. I see no activity. After 3+3+1 looks lik bubbles have become much lesser one or two here n there. Not bubbly.A very thin water line just 2 drops wen I removed it. It is stil smelling like fermented idly batter.. I doubt if it's working or should I start from scratch? Shud i continue with feeds 3+3+1 or 2, or its not gonna work? The weather here is changing slightly since last two days. I think humidity played a major role which is moderate now.  Any advice? I started along with u with 1 or 2 hrs lag.

Ravneet Bhalla: 
Ideally the sourdough starter smell is not like fermented batter but worse in the first 3 days. This changes gradually as it becomes mature day by day. It has got to be bubbly too. You and Priya are in Bangalore and it seems the weather is playing the spoilsport in your cases. It's humid at my place too and extremely hot. It has not rained for 5 days. But my starter is doing really well. I suggest stopping it here since it doesn't seem to work in your case. It would not make sense to waste more flour since it doesn't seem to be on track. Sorry that this happened in your case. But i would suggest not to give up and start again because once you get a hang of it, life would become easier. Else, you could try adding another whole grain. Do you have any other flour handy at the moment? The proteins in whole grains might help revive it.

you could leave the starter as is.. feed it once and leave it to rest without touching..keep the discard as well in a separate glass. Priya did the same and let it sit for 23 hours and her starter was behaving just like you last night. Hers has responded fairly well. It looks good- bubbly and smells good too.

Q. Todays is mine 4th first feed now. As I had started starter at night. No rise at all slight water separation.  Smells somewhat to idli batter. Done 3+3+2 feed.  Kept in warm place as you said yesterday.  I am from Mumbai.  No much rain today but humid.

Remove the water if possible. Stir. Go for 3+3+2 again since you are into 4th day. Let's see how it behaves tomorrow after this feed.

Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter Series -DAY 6 (first feed)

Do you discard on the second feed also or is it ok to just mix in additional flour and water without discarding?

I discard at every feed. Discarding is important to keep a check on sourness as well.

I have been feeding my starter 3 times in the day but I still don’t have it doubling in size by 4 hours. It takes around 6-8 hours for doubling...
How much flour should I feed at every feed, is 2-3 tbsp ok? I’m on day 8 and I’m wondering if it will work out for me if I continue with the process. Any help is appreciated

Of course dear. It's okay. Your starter is doing so well. Why are you feeding thrice if it is not doubling? Does it start to fall? You need to feed 3+3+2. Before hitting the bed, feed and place in ice bath of it is extremely hot your side. Otherwise you may keep in water bath.

Q. It doubles by around 9 hours but doesn’t fall, shows a dip in the batter level. So I thought maybe I needed to feed it the second feed around that time. Was wondering if my yeast will continue to behave like this or will it start doubling in 4 hours in the next few days? Should I just wait for it to happen on its own with regular feeding/ discarding cycles or is my yeast still not strong enough to make batter double in 4 hours? Im confused and starting to lose hope of it working out.

A. Yes, you should continue with the feeds and discards. It will be soon that your starter will start rising quickly. Weather plays a part. So as far as your starter is concerned, it's absolutely fine since it's bubbly, rising and smells good. Continue as you have been doing. Take another glass and use 3+3+1 there. Observe how quickly does it grow.

Q. Ravneet Bhalla I tried this like u suggested using 1 tbsp of starter, 50/50 WWF and APF, fed it twice a day and still it behaves the same....
Doubles around 9-10 hrs. I will be experimenting with it in the days to come with more feeds during the day and less discards and hope to see things change....

Wow. Thanks for showing how to do ice bath  at right time for me.. so simple.. 🙂 I like ur line about starter.. "it will not let me sleep" so true 😉

I hope that point is clear. Do update me tomorrow. It might look dull in the morning in ice bath. But at room temperature, it should become normal within an hour or two. Feed it after it rises.

Q . My starter had doubled, n now it's slowly falling again... What should I do now, feed it again, or is it done... Help! 😊

A, Always feed before it drops to the level of the last feed. That is, feed when you see the signs of a fall. I will post an update tomorrow. Today, I have repeated the same process as yesterday. If your starter is rising within 4hours, has big bubbles, smells good, you can feed it and immediately refrigerate.

Q. Hi Ravneet
I am on day  6.  My satrter is not rising.  It is bubbly on top.  No bubbles are visible through glass.  Feed 3+3+2 after 12 hrs.  No foul or sour smell.

Leave it for 24 hours without feed. Let's see. For some, this trick has worked.

Q. @Ravneet Bhalla i had missed yesterday night feed.  Feed it in morning usual time 11 am. At 5 pm it is bubbly slightly bigger bubble.

Yes wait for some time and see if bubbles become bigger

Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter Series -Guide (how to maintain starter) 

How to maintain your sourdough starter
Here are a few tips to keeping your starter fresh forever.
How to maintain whole wheat sourdough starter in Indian climate? #sourdough #sourdoughtips
Before refrigerating your wheat starter (if you do not plan to use it right away in a recipe),
feed it
let it sit on the counter for some time (30 minutes)
cover and put it in the refrigerator
a refrigerated starter needs feeding at least once a week, but if you can do it at least twice, it would be better for limiting sourness.
The reason is the same - the longer the starter goes without a feed, the sourer it will get.
Try feeding your refrigerated starter every 3 days if possible.
How to Feed a refrigerated starter?
Remove from the fridge
let it come to room temperature
discard & feed
let it sit for 30 mins
put it back in the fridge (unless you wish to use it in a recipe - then you may have to wait for it to double and then feed it again and let it rise once again...if it doubles or rises at least twice, it is perfect for use in a recipe after refrigeration).
I hope I have made this clear.
Again, it's my observation, friends.

How to maintain Starter (Sourdough Starter Guide in India)

When your starter is active and kicking, you need to either
refrigerate it
use it in a bake
If you do not wish to bake right way, refrigerate it.
Follow these tips:
before refrigerating, feed it .
.ideally we keep it at room temperature for 30 minutes before refrigerating..but if in your case, it rises speedily..after 5 mins of feeding, put it in the fridge.
then feed every 3-4 days (discard and feed) 
remove from the fridge..
let it come to room temp...then discard and feed..
let it sit outside for 5 minutes.
.and then out it back in the fridge..until you want to use it in a recipe follow the 3-4 day feed-discard cycle for refrigerated starter

When you want to bake:
This should continue until you are ready to bake.
When you wish to bake, you need to ensure that your starter gets fed at least twice at room temperature before it is used. So if you want to bake tomorrow morning, remove your starter from the fridge today, follow the aforementioned process.
Then once it rises, feed it again before fall, and wait for it to rise again.
When it does,it is good to go in a baked goody.

Here are a few questions answered on sourdough starter maintenance:
Q. I put my started into the fridge that day itself like u had said (Day 9, I guess) n its still there untouched...
Now on seeing ur video, i realize I had to do more as follow up, which I didn't...
So does that mean it's bn a completely wasted effort to make starter??? 😢
Though I made four recipes out of the discard already, n they were all super yum... Thnx a ton for making that possible..
My answer:
No's not a waste at all....starters can be kept for as long as you want to...but the 3-day feed cycle that I follow for refrigerated starters have helped me keep my starter fresh and without can remove it now from the refrigerator..let it come to room temperature...discard and feed it and then put it back in the fridge.

Q. discard n feed means??? Same as before 3:3:2 (2 being the starter) n store the excess with the earlier discard? Is that right? But tell something, how does this whole process end? I'm too busy these days to bake regularly, so tell me how to end it too, plz...

A.  3+3+2 or 3+3+1 both work...the process ends? well, all you need to do is discard and feed every 3 days to keep it fresh do not need to take any other step,,your starter is ready...your natural yeast is you can use it in baking any time..all you need is to refresh it before baking ..I do not understand your do not want your starter?

Q. no no, i very much want my starter... But i meant is if we keep feeding it, we get so much of starter n so much of discard... Cannot consume so much of it, so I want to end it now, n use up what I've accumulated so far, of both...
I'll do it again, next month maybe, again from start... Does that make sense? Hey, just realized today is day 3 so I'm just in time to feed it...
A. It's your wish dear...but making a starter is a labor of love.. :) you may or may not keep it.
Q.  3:3:2???? I'm all confused now. ..You discard 2 +2 and add 3+ 3( water n Atta )?
A. it 3:3:1 or 3:3:2  (3:3 is atta n water like earlier only)
- 1 or 2 being the starter ur adding (n discard ur storing for later use)

Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter Discard recipes India

If you are wondering how to bake gur pare, then explore this whole wheat shakarpare recipe with sourdough discard - baked in airfryer. But you do not need a sourdough discard for the recipe. There is an alternative shared here.

1/2 cup- whole wheat flour
1/2 cup- jaggery powder
1/4 cup- water
1 tbsp- milk (optional)
1 tbsp- sourdough discard
1 tsp fennel seeds

How does baked shakarpara with jaggery  taste?
Frankly, I was surprised with the result i have got with this discard recipe.

Do you have baked namak para  recipe?
I have Methi Mathri recipe. Will shared baked namakpara soon.
shakarpara recipe with jaggery 
shakarpara ingredients
 baked shankarpali 
shakarpara recipe
baked mathri 
sweet shakarpara recipe gujarati

Whole Wheat Sourdough Discard Kulcha Recipe

Whole wheat Amritsari kulcha without yeast/baking powder/soda sounds yum? Well, I suggest joining the sourdough bread India bandwagon to make yeats-free kulcha bread and what not? It's healthy, it's flavorful, and it's nutritious. You will love the sourdough breads without complaint.

If you are looking for sourdough starter basics, then I have done a complete tutorial on how to make your own 100% whole wheat starter the right way. Although I am no expert, I am learning from experiments and gaining experience. My purpose is to make everything that goes in chemical-free.  Reminds you of my healthy cookie recipes without baking powder/soda? Well, I am sure you are enjoying those crispy healthy cookies without raising agents and chemicals. Gives me so much relief and a sense of satisfaction too. 

How to start  Whole Wheat SOURDOUGH BREAD INDIA journey?
If you, too, think alike, then join the whole wheat sourdough baking journey along with me. There will be no looking back if you wish to give your family healthy breads without improvers, chemical preservatives,  vital gluten, refined ingredients, and artificial sweeteners. 

Whole Wheat Sourdough Discard Crackers Recipe India

Whole wheat sourdough crackers from discard are aromatic, nutrient-dense, buttery, flaky, and oh so flavorful. If you are yet to start your sourdough journey, let me help you get there. I am taking baby steps into the world of sourdough baking and after two failures, I have learned few lessons and implementing the same with zeal and patience.

Sourdough baking has become my new-found love. If you haven't yet decided to make it a part of your lives, better you opt for it today.
There won't be any looking back.

Here's presenting crunchy munchy sourdough crackers with discard and whole wheat. 
Ingredients for sourdough discard crackers with whole wheat India
1 cup= 240 ml
1/2 cup- whole wheat flour
2 tbsp- butter
1 tbsp- sourdough starter (discard)
1/4 tsp red chilly powder, or black pepper powder
1/2 tsp salt as per taste
1/2 tsp kalonji or nigella seeds
kasuri methi
1 tbsp water

Whole Wheat Sourdough Discard Dhokla Recipe India

If you love Dhokla but wish to avoid adding Eno or soda, then take this way instead. Here's presenting healthy rava Dhokla with sourdough starter without Eno or soda. What more do we want, hai na?
Do try out the Dhokla recipe without Eno or soda either baked or steamed. 
If you do choose to steam it, give a tempering typical of Dhokla with mustard seeds, curry leaves, ginger, and green chilli. 
Don't forget to immerse the Dhokla in a sweet n tangy syrup with lemon n jaggery. Oh so yumm
Whether you are looking for whole wheat sourdough starter recipe or  sourdough starter India recipe, you will get it here.
Additionally, if you want to make your bread free from chemicals, leveaners, bread improvers, artificial fragrances, and raising agents, then you ought to choose baking sourdough bread  in India, which is not too sour to your taste buds. 

sourdough bread
More sourdough recipes
100%whole wheat sourdough recipe that tastes not sour
Sourdough semolina buns or dinner rolls recipe

Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread Recipe India

Sourdough whole wheat 

When you are taking baby steps in the deep ocean of sourdough and you get this type of result, you ought to be on cloud 9.

While we have been trying out sourdough with a mission to make it mildly sour and not overly sour, it looks like we can do it with a few adjustments here and there. 

This boule uses just 1/2 cup whole wheat flour. 

No hint of sourness!

NO commercial yeast

Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread Buns Recipe India

Wondering how to make sourdough bread with whole wheat? Well, I am no sourdough bread expert. However, I have joined the bandwagon of sourdough bread baking recently. I have seen a lot of interest in people to make sourdough bread with whole grains. Additionally,  it has many advantages and health benefits.

Sourdough breaks down the proteins and enzymes in the flour and makes it easy to digest. 
Here's how to make sourdough starter with whole wheat flour from scratch.
Ingredients for whole wheat sourdough bread/ semolina sourdough 
1/2 cup+1/4 cup= whole wheat flpur
1/2 cup- semolina
1/2 cup of hot water
1/4 cup- curd
3 tbsp whole wheat sourdough starter
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp dehydrated milk powder

*the reason behind the addition of dairy in sourdough is to create a balance between lactic acid and acetic acid in the sourdough. If you get a balance between both, you can expect your sourdough bread buns to be mildly sour. This decides the sourness of the bread.
There are many other factors that affect sourness of sourdough.
Here's how to reduce sourness in sourdough:
Increase lactic acid content
Make a fully hydrated dough
Do not proof for longer

I will keep updating the list as I experiment further and experience the real sourdough.
This was my humble attempt at sourdough bread buns.

Yeast semolina bread recipe:


  1. Thank you so much for giving such fantastic tips on sourdough...keep shining

    1. thank you so much...glad you find the sourdough starter guide in India useful

  2. Hi Ravneet,Thank you for the videos and tips on sourdough starter making. This is really helpful and easy to follow.I tried several times before but gave up until I bumped into your video which made me start again .I am on day 7 and my starter bubbles and is stretchy and smells good but it doesn’t really double.I am doing 12 hr feeds as u suggested with 3tbsp flour and water and 2 tbsp starter .usually it bubbles and rises a bit close to 12 hrs .But doesn’t double. Any suggestions please .? The place I am living is not too hot or too cold but it is slightly on cooler side

    1. OMG! I did not get a notifcation on this message...checking it now...what's the status of your starter dear....were you able to develop your own whole wheat starter?


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