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How To GROW Kitchen Garden [ Pot Gardening Tips\ Container Gardening in India]

How to grow your own kitchen garden? If you love container gardening, get some easy tips to grow a kitchen garden or balcony garden or terrace garden from my MIL.

Explore this vegetable gardening guide for beginners to grow your own green kingdom in pots, containers and on terrace.
how to grow kitchen garden or pot garden or container garden in india

What to grow in kitchen garden in India or balcony garden or terrace garden in tropical climates?
You can grow almost anything in pots these days. No, I am not talking about hybrid varieties.

How to grow amaranth in pots in India

Do you want to learn how to grow amaranth at home? Here's how my Mother in law grows amaranthus in pot garden. I also grow amaranth from waste. we are no gardening experts but nature lovers who believe in growing our own greens.
how to grow amaranth at home
One of the easiest way to grow amaranth greens is to re-plant the roots. When you buy amaranth greens from the vegetable vendor, cut the roots and re-plant the same in soil. Keep the soil loose. Water frequently. Amaranth grows too well during monsoon.

Q. What are the benefits of amaranth?
Well, amaranth is one of the ancient grains of India, just like millets. We have been relishing amaranth or cholai or rajgira snce chilhood in the form of seal laddu during fasting days. The gluten-free grain is packed with protein, fiber, and micronutrients. Regular consumption of amaranth is associated with lower cholesterol, low risk of inflammation, and increased weight loss.
That means amaranth for weight loss are an excellent ingredient since they are low in calories too.
Q. How to grow amaranth at home
One of the easiest ways to grow amaranth greens is to re-plant the roots. When you buy amaranth greens from the vegetable vendor, cut the roots and re-plant the same in soil. Keep the soil loose. Water frequently. Amaranth grows too well during monsoon.

terrace garden

Q. How to grow amaranth greens
Amaranth microgreens and greens prefer a warm climate. They grow well in summers and need full sun. Make sure there is no waterlogging as amaranth greens prosper in a well-drained soil. Best to water them regularly to prevent soil from drying out. They need five hours of direct sunlight.

Amaranth cannot tolerate cold climates and winters. You may want to grow amaranth in cold climates in the greenhouse.

Q. How to grow amaranth microgreens
You can grow amaranth microgreens following hydroponics.
Q. how to grow amaranth flowers
I have shared the whole process to grow amaranth at home in containers.

Q. How long does it take to grow amaranth
Well, in monsoon, it grows quickly within days. In the hot season, it may take longer.
All Amaranths are short-lived perennials that come in various colors. The plant is associated with tassel-like spikes that continue to bloom until the end of summer. You can source copious seeds from them.

Here are easy tips as to
  • how to grow amaranth greens
  • how to grow amaranth microgreens
  • how to grow amaranth flowers
  • growing amaranth in containers

How to grow ginger in pots in India

How to grow ginger If you are looking for tips as to how to grow ginger plant in pot, then you are at the right place. We are no gardening experts but believe in growing our own food. Here's how to grow a ton of ginger at home with my mother in law's tips. She grows her own ginger in containers.

Q. How to grow ginger at home india?
Well, my MIL lives in a hot climate in a coastal state. Here's how she grows ginger from ginger root from grocery store.
Q. How to grow ginger in cold climates?
Well, in cold climates, you can plant ginger root from the gorcery store in the soil. Water it infrequently so that there are no waterlogged conditions. Water when the soil starts to look dry. But do not let it dry out completely. Sow your ginger root in loose soil.
Q. Can you plant ginger root from the grocery store? Absolutely. We do that only. Q. How to harvest ginger? Well, the ginger plant will dry out. That is the time to harvest ginger in pots. Q. What is the best container for growing ginger?
Sand ensures that there are no waterlogging conditions, which help accelerate the ginger plant growth. My MIL prefers to grow ginger in sand in pot.
There is nothing like the best container to grow ginger. You may grow it anywhere. Just make sure the soil is loose. Better still, take a mix of soil and sand to grow ginger quickly. Q. How to grow a ton of ginger? Well, whether you wish to grow ginger in pots or containers or land, you need a mix of sand and soil to grow tonnes of ginger. One ginger rhizome can give you tons of production.
#howtogrowgingerinpotsindia #howtogrowatonofgingerathome #canyougrowgingerfromrhizomefromgrocerystore
I have shared an easy way to grow ginger in pots. Follow this method and enjoy your homegrown ginger.

How to grow spinach from waste

Wondering how to regrow spinach from kitchen wastage? If you have been throwing of the spinach base after using the leaves, then this spinach regrowing trick can come in handy. Regrowing Spinach from Kitchen Waste is a terrace garden lover's delight. Come, travel with me into my Terrace Kitchen Garden and learn how to regrow spinach from waste.

Yes, until I started reusing the leftovers, it was mere kitchen waste for me. This year, I decided to plant the leftovers and the result is before you. It did take me 50 days to harvest spinach but it was an experience worth remembering. I have planted many spinach leftovers in different pots. #plantingtips
There's nothing like homegrown produce, isn't it!! Only a plant lover knows this :)

PS: I have to protect my plants from monkey menace in my area. They come in hordes and destroy everything. Monkeys seem to have a special dislike for my papaya and tomato plants. They love to uproot them and throw everything away! Alas! Now they have started to show hatred for aloe vera too. The only plant they do not dare to touch is my lemon tree!! So I plan to plant more lemon trees and place them strategically as a barricade for monkeys!

How to grow moong dal plant at home FROM MUNG BEAN SPROUTS

Looking for an easy way to grow mung greens or microgreens at home? How to grow green moong dal in pot? छत्त में मूंग दाल उगने का टॉप सीक्रेट !
Wondering how sprouted moong dal turns into a plant that again gives you lots of moong dal? Lemon in pot on terrace?

A peep into my kitchen garden, container garden, terrace garden, organic garden. Explore some of the most useful gardening tips for your terrace garden or pot planting. Learn with me how to grow veggies in pots. I have taken the initiative to reuse plastic waste and the best way to put to use plastic is to turn them green. गमले में खूब सारा नींबू उगाएं|
Best tip for curry leaf plant is here.
Let's go for zero waste.

How to grow tomatoes and make organic tomato powder at home

How to make tomato powder at home? घर पर टमाटर का पाउडर कैसे बनाएं/ How to make organic tomato powder at home or how to store tomatoes for long. Here is the best way for tomato storage by making tomato powder at home.

If you love nature, you surely have a small kitchen garden. I, too, want to live as close to nature as possible. The limelight, the crowds of big cities do not appeal to me. Nature does come a step closr. I want to go miles closer to Mother nature. So growing tomato in pots or for that matter, herbs and greens in containers has become a passion.
tamatar ka powder kaise banaye?
Is se asaan tareeka nahi hai tomato store karne ka ya fir tomato powder banane ka.

I feel at peace when I am with my plants. What about you? If you are uninterested in all things modernism, grow your own nursery at home - you'll feel much closer to nature. This is my meditation mantra too. So coming back to the organic tomato powder recipe, it's made from homegrown tomatoes from my kitchen garden or container garden or terrace garden. So the recipe is from pots to the table. Making organic tomato powder is a fairly simple process or, for that matter, making your own sundried tomatoes is one of the best ways to preserve tomatoes. Whether you are looking a recipe of sundried tomatoes or tomato powder recipe in Hindi, this simple video will make things easier and understandable for you.

How to grow green chilies at home: 

This is by far the simplest and easiest green chili pickle recipes ( हरी मिर्च का अचार) around with homegrown chilies. Besides, the oil-free chili pickle soaked in vinegar is yummy and healthy. The pickle without oil has probiotics and is not spicy. Besides, learn how to grow green chili at home easily (हरी मिर्च कैसे उगाएं/hari mirch kaise ugaye).
I was never too fond of green chili; however, it surely has health benefits. The reason you should include green chili in your meal plans is that it triggers salivation due to its heat. The more you salivate, the better the absorption and digestion of food in your stomach. However, if you have acidity issues, you must refrain from pickles.
Nevertheless, pickling green chili and ginger is another way to preserve these beauties from nature's garden.

Moreover, since apple cider vinegar is a natural preservative, the oil-free chili pickle stays good forever. However, make sure you use a sterilized glass jar for pickling ginger and green chili. I do not use synthetic vinegar and substitute it with apple cider vinegar for its umpteen number of benefits. I have written an entire piece on apple cider vinegar on my blog and how it helps deal with a number of problems.

How to store green coriander for long/coriander storage tips/coriander preservation tips:

Organic gardening tips/ organic manure homemade/organic fertilizer; 

How to make garlic powder at home without oven

Wondering how to make garlic powder at home? This DIY dry garlic recipe can come in handy. If you have never tried making garlic powder at home, then you might be interested to try out this easy recipe.
Dehydrated garlic A Cholesterol remedy
On a side note, garlic is a home remedy for many ills, including cholesterol.
Did you know that dehydrated garlic powder has cholesterol-lowering properties? If you find garlic in abundance, make sure you dehydrate it and store it for times when garlic prices are skyrocketing.
High cholesterol? Take garlic powder for its cholesterol-lowering effects. With that said, you must limit your fat consumption, without which, no remedy can help.
Experiencing ear pain? Fry garlic in mustard oil and pour a drop of warm oil into your ear. Your ear pain should go away. If you suffer from gastritis, garlic can surely help. But if you are suffering from GERD, heartburn, or acidity, garlic might trigger symptoms. So it is best avoided.
If you plan to make some garlic powder at home, follow us in doing so. The title says it all. This post is all about edible powders that can be used as flavoring agents, natural color, and to make food visually attractive. What more do we need? Though I am not too much in favor of drying food and storing the same, this is the best option for those days when these veggies are out of season. During the season, please make it a point to enjoy these fresh and flavorful. There's nothing better and healthier than fresh produce, right?
You will be surprised to find several uses of dried garlic powder. It comes in handy for flavoring curries, breads, crackers, savory bakes and fries. #drygarlic #howtomakegarlicpowderathome #homemadegarlicpowder #garlicpowderrecipe गार्लिक पाउडर #dehydratedgarlic
Homemade garlic powder is fresh and aromatic, and of course, hygenic. You know what all has gone into making it.

How to make green coriander leaves powder at home

How to make coriander leaf powder or preserve coriander leaves? हरा धनिया पाउडर कैसे बनाएं? Wondering how to preserve coriander leaves for one year or even mint and curry leaves? Or you are looking for coriander storage tips to keep green coriander fresh and aromatic, right? हरे धनिये को ताजा लम्बे समय तक कैसे रखे? Hara dhaniya ko fresh kaise rakhe? How to keep coriander fresh and green for a long time?

Here you will learn:
1) What are the coriander leaf powder benefits?
Packed with antioxidants, enhances flavor, and is easy to store.
2) How to dry coriander leaves?
4) how to dry coriander leaves in airfryer or microwave?
3) How to make dry coriander powder?
6) Benefits of making dry coriander leaves powder
5) How to make green coriander powder in hindi 7) how to sun dry coriander leaves
If you have always struggled to keep coriander fresh and green for longer, then you are sailing in the same boat as me. I, too, had the same experience for a long time unless I sought my late nani's advice. Her trick works to keep greens fresh longer in winters. For summers, I have decided to experiment by drying coriander leaves in shade the same way my mom dries mint leaves, and her trick to keeping mint fresh has worked to keep coriander fresh too. I have got green dried coriander leaves that can be used in curries and even make chutneys. So if you are wondering how to keep coriander fresh during winters, check my late nani's trick here
8) how to make cilantro powder 9) How to make coriander leaf powder?
If you are unsure how to preserve coriander for summers, opt for this method to dry coriander leaves green. You can go ahead and make coriander powder.


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