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The Easiest Homemade Applesauce Recipe Without Sugar is Here

 Making homemade applesauce without sugar is easy and quick. All you need to do is boil whole apples with a little amount of water for 4-6 whistles. The idea is to make the pulp soft. That's it. 

Cooked versus Raw Apples

Crunchy and juicy, apples are a beloved fruit enjoyed raw in countless ways. But did you know that cooking brings out another side of this versatile fruit, unlocking a surprising array of health benefits? Let's explore why cooked apples deserve a place on your menu beyond pie and crumbles:

Digestive Delight:

  • Fiber Superstar: Cooked apples retain their impressive fiber content, aiding digestion and promoting regularity. The softened fiber is even easier to absorb, making it beneficial for individuals with sensitive stomachs.
  • Prebiotic Powerhouse: Pectin, a soluble fiber in apples, acts as a prebiotic, feeding the good bacteria in your gut and boosting overall gut health. This can help strengthen your immune system and improve nutrient absorption.
  • Soothing Sensation: Cooked apples have a gentle astringent effect, making them helpful for settling upset stomachs and alleviating mild gastrointestinal discomfort.

Nutrient Boost:

  • Apple Powerhouse: Cooked apples retain most of their essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber. These nutrients contribute to overall health, supporting immunity, cardiovascular function, and energy levels.
  • Pectin Perks: Cooking concentrates pectin, which doesn't just aid digestion but also helps lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Antioxidant Bonanza: Cooked apples retain their protective antioxidants, which combat free radicals and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Healthy Versatility:

  • Warm and Comforting: Cooked apples offer a warm and comforting treat, perfect for chilly days or soothing sore throats.
  • Creative Culinary Canvas: From compotes and sauces to stews and curries, cooked apples add sweetness, texture, and a unique flavor dimension to numerous dishes.
  • Delicious Dessert Alternatives: Skip the heavy cakes and pastries and indulge in guilt-free baked apples, apple crisps, or even savory apple-stuffed sweet potatoes.
  • Remember:

    • Opt for minimally processed cooking methods like steaming, baking, or simmering to maximize nutrient retention.
    • Limit added sugars and unhealthy fats when preparing cooked apples for the best health benefits.
    • Consult a healthcare professional if you have any underlying health conditions before incorporating cooked apples into your diet.

    So, next time you reach for an apple, consider extending its culinary journey beyond the raw bite. Cooked apples offer a surprising treasure trove of benefits, waiting to be unlocked in your kitchen. Embrace their versatility, reap their digestive and nutritional rewards, and discover a whole new delicious dimension to this iconic fruit

When the pressure settles down, peel off the skin and start mashing cooked apples. You may use a potato masher to speed up the process. Sprinkle a dash of cinnamon powder to lift the flavors of applesauce. Mix it well and then add a pinch of black salt. That's enough to enjoy a healthy carb-free dessert.  I hope you enjoy making this easy and quick applesauce recipe.


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